Friday, March 7, 2025

WW2 - Corpsmans and Casualties.

(Sounds like a role-playing game from the early 80s!?) 

Not entirely newly painted... I did just repaint the uniforms of most of these though. As the only marines I have that I'll likely ever make use of are the USMC raiders, I figured the casualty figures I have should probably get repainted to reflect the Frog Skin camouflage they're wearing, rather than the light olive drab they'd previously been painted wearing!

The Navy Corpsmen attached to the raiders I repainted a few of them, thinking that, as attachments, they may not necessarily have had the same uniform...? 

All the Corpsmen and Casualties 

The Naval Corpsmen

The Marine Raider Casualties!

I have the Gurkhas on the workbench this weekend, expect to see those painted, shortly.

I also got in a SECOND game of Bolt Action wtih Orion this week - we replayed the previous scenario, but in reverse - the Vichy trying to take the Oasis and High Points from the Americans!