Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Glasgow Uprising

Yesterday I ran a Dark Age DBA campaign… one would think I’d get on that report first… but this afternoon I ran a game of Ever Contemptible Victorious Little Black Powder Armies (of DOOM!) (a mash- up of a few rule sets that I kind of like…). The report for this seemed quicker and easier… so…

A number of people had originally indicated they would, but most bailed at the last minute or just simply didn’t show up… Which, on one han,d was a bit of a downer, but honestly, I am glad everyone bailed... I'm not sure I'd have gotten through another multi-player game without my head exploding... so Terry and I just played the game on our own.

Near Glasgow, Spring 1939.


Socialist Agitators form Liverpool have come to Glasogow to help the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party lead an uprising. The army of the Scottish Republic has been brought in to squash the rebels. The have been fighting for a few weeks now and a group of the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party have been pinned against the River Clyde in a bombed out industrial area near Glasgow.


Elements of the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Uprising are situated in Buildings along side the river. The Army of the Scottish Republic must crush these rebels before reinforcement arrive. The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party must hold on and repel the attackers!


Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party
Commander – Comrade Commander Euan MacDougal
2IC – Comrade Commander Bryan Davidson

2x Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Volunteer Militia (14)
1x Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party “Regulars” (14)
1x Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Special Assault Division (8)
1x Chinese Mercenary Mortar Battery

Army of the Scottish Republic
Commander – Brigadier Terrance MacThorn
2IC- Colonel Jock Buchannan

4x Scottish Infantry Battalions (15)
1x Battalion of 7ieme Regiment Etranger Infanterie (15)
1x Naval Brigade Battalion (15)
1x Scottish constabulary (10)
2x Scottish Army MG detachements
2x Scottish Artillery Batteries.


I too the defending Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party and Terry took the Army of the Scottish Republic.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Army of the Scottish Republic are in the foreground preparing to assault the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party positions, pinned in the ruins against the River Clyde.

Three Battalions of Scottish and a Battalion of the French Foreign Legion (sent by the French Government to help prop up the new Republic!)

More Scottish Infantry along with a naval detachment from the Scottish Navy and The Scottish Constabulary (along with an Officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who volunteered to help out during the troubles in the homeland).

The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party positions in the bombed out industrial area by the Clyde.

Another unit of Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Volunteer Militia in a field (and the Chinese Mercenary Mortar Battery on the hill).

Ka-BOOM – opening shots – the Chinese mortarmen take shots at the Scottish MG detachments (and miss!)

The Scottish counterbattery fire was equally ineffective)

The MGs managed to shoot up the Chinese pretty good though!

The Brigadier urges his troops onward!

The Scots crest the hill before the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Volunteer Militia.

BOOM! The Chinese Mortars blast a hole in the Scottish battalion on the next hill!

The Scottish Artillery also switches to the Volunteer Militia in the field and causes a few casualties.

The Scottish MGs finish off the Chinese.

The Scottish Police take some withering fire from the Volunteer Militia in the rubble (and I think they failed their first morale test and went to ground at this point!).

AS the Scottish crest the hill before the other Volunteer Militia they are cut down – silhouetted against the sky. Return fire caused a few casualties but isn’t nearly so devastating.

As the Naval Brigade crests the hill at the other end of the battle, the Volunteer Militia there cut them down as well.

A general view of the Scottish advance.

The Scottish Artillery ranged in on the Volunteer Militia and cut them to pieces!

The exchange of small arms fire was devastating for both sides.

The remains of both units gave up and departed the field of battle.

The Scottish Constabulary and Naval Brigade units halted and went to ground and exchanged fire with the Volunteer Milita in the ruins.

Niether side gaining much advantage or causing any real damage – just slowly whittling away at each other. (of course the problem was the Scots had MORE units to bring up…).

The Brigadier advanced his men!

The MGs had slowly moved up their positions and started to bring fire down on the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party “Regulars” – casuing some casualties.

The Volunteer Militia cut down the men of the Scottish Constabulary with some withering fire!

With the Peelers out of the way The battalion of Scottish Regulars was able to bring down fire on the Volunteer Militia and it was terrible..

The Scots move ever forward preparing to assault the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party positions.

The Scots on the right of the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party almost in range…

On of the Scottish MG detachements suffered a jam! Much to the relief of the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party!

The last of the Volunteer Militia are cut down by the fire from the Scottish (well the commander was still there, but with five morale tests to make… she didn’t hang about long!)

The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Special Assault Division moves up to take the place of the Volunteer Militia and await the charge of the Scottish Regulars.

Two Scottish Battalions line up to assault the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party positions.

The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party fire is telling.

The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Special Assault Division prepare for the close assault…

The Scots Charge!

The melee is confused! The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party desperately try to hold their ground.

Eventually they are obliged to retire… but at a great cost to the Scots!

The Scots assault the Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Special Assault Division

The Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party Special Assault Division are whipped out bu they sold themselves dearly… The Scottish battalion took 80% casualties against a force half their size!

The remaining Scottish Democratic Socialist Workers Party members surrendered. The loss of this force was a devastating blow to the Glasgow Uprising.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The Report of the Dark Age DBA Campaign… maybe tonight… maybe tomorrow..

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