Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Warhammer Underworlds - Morgwaeth's Blade Coven vs Xandire's Truthseekers

She was certain it was a Realm Gate of some sort. Through the swirling portal Morgwaeth could see only darkness. But there was something... The tiniest hints of dark grey light that could only be the Umbral Veil, the darkest regions of Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow... a smell that reminded her of the sea off the Helleflux where her home, the Temple of Hagg Nar stood. It had to take them home. Even if it didn't, it would surely take them away from this cursed place!  

Morgwaeth beckoned her Blade-Coven to follow and she passed through the Realm Gate... 

Beyond the Gate it was clearer than ever to her, that they've arrived back in Ulgu, but where. It seemed like they were in underground caverns... under the sea!? 

Before she could ponder it further, there was a shout from down the hall... more of the God-King Sigmar's Golden Warriors, their erstwhile "allies". Morgwaeth had slain (and been slain by) enough of them in the Beastgrave. She was curious to see if THESE ones would STAY dead... 

This week Amanda and I started playing Warhammer Underworlds set in Harrowdeep, cavernous labyrinth situated deep beneath the seabed of the Shadowsea in the Umbral Veil of the Shadrac Convergence in the Realm of Ulgu - so very, very close to their home at Hagg Nar... and yet so very, very far... 


I was playing the newly painted Xandire's Truthseekers, which seemed apropos, as they came with Harrowdeep... Amanda played her favour Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven.

Amanda won the first roll off to determine who selected boards first, and made me do so. I chose  The Tortured Coil (Actually from Nethermaze, the expansion to Harrowdeep) and then Amanda selected The Hall of Sublimation and set it up short-end-to-short-end... as she does. Objective tokens were placed. 

Amanda also won the roll for setting up and decided to start, even though her numbers would mean I would finish before her (and get the bonus to the roll-off to go fist in the first round). 

Xandire's Truthseekers set up in The Tortured Coil 

Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven set up in The Hall of Sublimation


I won the roll-off to go first and started off with Dhoraz Ghiant-Fell Charging Kyrae. We tied and I pushed Kyrae back - lest she provide support for stabby-stabby Morgwaeth who was standing behind her with her Range Two weapon. 

Morgwaeth tried stabbing at Dhoraz anyway, but totally missed.

Taros flew up from the midsection of the board. 

Morgwaeth stabbed at Dhoraz again, but this time tied... and pushed him back. 

Xandire moved up... just to... move up. 

Not sure why I put a Charge token on her. She hadn't charged, just moved. There was no one within range to attack. 

Amanda was considering stabbing this new target that had appeared... 

But then remembered objectives... and decided to move Lethyr on to Objective #1

Luxa Stromrider moved up, along with Taros, and took a shot at Khamyss, and hit, dealing 1 Damage. I was also able to play Flawless Strike - gaining me one SPENT glory point for making an attack roll that contained only successes.. It's SOMETHING, I take it! 

Kyrae slithered past the Stormcast warband and shot at Luxa, but missed... 


No one scored a damned thing... so I sat there winning with one spend glory point... 

An underwhelming start. We both discarded all remaining objectives and Power Cards and drew a new hand... Hoping for something better... 


Amanda won the roll-ff to go first and Kyrae slithered further off into my territory and Jumped on Objective #3.

She then scored Swift Capture (+1 Glory for holding an objective in your territory and one in your own). Amanda used the Glory Point to upgrade Khamyss with Great Fortitude (+1 Wounds).

In the Power Step I played Advance as one, allowing me to push ALL of my fighters one towards the nearest enemy. This brought Xandire into contact with Morgwaeth. 

On my first activation, Dhoraz charged Morgwaeth, with Xandire Supporting. He hit with his mighty Great Hammer, dealing three damage and staggering Morgweath. Staggering is a new condition in Harrowdeep - if hit with a weapon that staggers a stagger token in placed on the target fighter. If attacking a target with a Stagger Token, attackers may re-roll one attack die. 

Morgwaeth danced around behind them onto Objective #4 and stabbed Xandire in the back, dealing two damage! It was refreshing only taking two damage from Morgwaeth... usually she's been upgraded or inspired to deal 3-4?! 

Amanda also scored Bold Conquest for her leader making a charge and holding an objective (+1 Glory) 

Luxa Stormrider shot at Morgwaeth - having two support (Xandire and Talos - who provides support whenever she is within 2 hexes of Luxa). The arrow finished off Morgwaeth... +1 Glory for me and I upgraded Xandire with Indomitable Will (one time heal one wound when taking damage) I also played Drilled Efficiency and gave Dhoraz a Guard token. 

Khamyss charged Xandire and missed... used Zealot's Rage to attack again... and missed... and then missed with her combo attack...? What is going on!? 

Xandire stabbed back at Khamyss... and missed... Thus, still being alive, Kahmyss scored Steadfast Defence +1 Glory for surviving being attacked while standing on an Objective! She was immediately upgraded with Champion's fortitude. 

Kyrssa danced onto Objective #2 and stabbed at Dhoroz... who was standing in a Gloom Hex... with a Guard Token... so... 5/6 chance of a success. Of course she hit him.


Xandire attacked Khamyss AGAIN... and MISSED AGAIN?!?!


Amanda scored Supremacy, +3 Glory for holding three objectives, bringing her to SIX GLORY! 

I managed to score Stubbourn Advance, +2 glory for having three fighters in enemy territory, bringing me to a total of four... 

I upgraded Luxa with a Keepsake, which made her always count as having support... and with Talos withing 2 hexes of her, she had 2 support! 


I won the roll-off, but let Amanda go first... 

Khamyss attacked Xandire and dealt 2 damage - but the Indomitable Will allowed her to heal one. Her second attack was a tie, and so she pushed Xandire back one. Amanda then played Jealous Defence, allowing a fighter on an Objective to make a single attack action. both rolled crits for another tie, and Xandire was pushed back further. Amanda scored Hidden Purpose (+1 Glory for holding two objectives) 

I played Blazing Arrow (Making Stormrider's next attack action +1 Dice and Grievous - +1 damage if Crit rolled) and upgraded Xandire with Tempered Sigmarite (allowing a re-roll of one defence die). 

Stormrider shot Khamyss, but only got three successes!? I even re-rolled one of those successes hoping for a crit... no such luck, the shot only dealt one damage, so Khamyss persisted... 

Amanda played Distraction, pushing Dhoraz away from Kyrssa, so he'd have to charge to attack again.

Khamyss attack Dhoraz dealing two damage. 

Xandire charged Kyrssa and took her down with one mighty blow of her broadsword. (+1 Glory) I upgraded Luxa with Staggering Charge. 

Khamyss attacked Dhoraz AGAING and missed. 

Luxa Stormrider moved to Objective #2 and shot at Khamyss. Talos moved into contact, just in case she missed, Talos might have to peck her damned eyes out to take her down... Luckily, Luxa hit and that THIRD shot finished her off!  (+1 Glory) 

I played Sigmarite Wardens, giving Guard Tokens to all Friendly Fighters in Enemy Territory 

Lethyr snuck up behind Dhoraz and stabbed him in the back, taking him out... 

Guard tokens... WTF!? I don't ever think they've ever done me a damned bit of good... In dying, however, Dhoraz inspired everyone in remaining. Inspired, they're kind of bad-ass... of course this was now the last activation or the last round... so all those bas ass inspired upgrades didn't matter at all... 

Also in dying, one fighter within two hexes of Dhoraz could be pushed up to two hexes... I pushed Xandire onto an objective... in case Amanda had some sneaking objective card for scoring piles of points again for holding more objectives than the enemy. Having charged, she couldn't have attacked Lethyr, even if I had pushed her into contact. 

For my final activation, Taros Swooped at Lethyr. Inspired, Taros had three attack dice and her attack is upgraded to Grievous, so... if I rolled ONE CRIT on those three dice, I'd score two and take her out... That did not happen, I did hit and deal damage... but not enough to take her out. 


Amanda gained another Glory Point for Kyrae holding a Formless Key, bringing her total to NINE Glory Points. 

I scored all three Objective Cards I was holding, bringing MY total to NINE Glory Points! 

A TIE!!!

Considering it was the first time playing and used the deck that came with it... not bad... 

The plan is to play again next Wednesday, and I hope to have another new warband finished by them... I'm not sure which, however... 

I have about sixteen I could paint, but I'm probably only going to be doing one a week for the rest of the year... maybe a bonus one over the holidaze... 

I think the top of the list would be:

  • Myari's Purifiers
  • Da Kunnin' Krew
  • Blackpowder's Buccaneers
  • Hexbane’s Hunters
  • Elathain's Soulraid
  • Shadeborn
  • Skittershank’s Clawpack
  • Crimson Court

But which to do next...? Da Kunnin' Krew was the other one that came with Harrowdeep... but there are five of them and they look like they have fiddly bits... 

Myari's Purifiers seem like a good choice, there are only four and they're half painted! 

Balckpowder's Buccaneers look FUN, though... 

And Elathain's Soulraid seem like they'd fit RIGHT IN to the setting! 

Probably one of these.

The Shadeborn look really cool, too, though... and there are only four. 

Same goes for the Crimson Court... 

I guess I better decide SOON, so I have time to get them done before next week! 

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