Friday, February 21, 2025

WW2 French Foreign Legion

In addition to the 1940 French force, I also have a small group of World War Two French Foreign Legionnaires. I have a feeling these were painted about 15 years ago and have mostly seen action in Pulp Adventure type games. 

Since I have access to the French Army lists for Bolt Action and have been working on forces for North Africa, I thought it might be a fun mental exercise to figure out what I have and what I'd need to fill this out to a 1000-1250 point force.

The force so far... Four officers, a medic and three squads of eight men. 

What this looks like in (Bolt Action Third Edition):

Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander (1st Lieutenant)  39pts (Veteran)

Foreign Legion Infantry Section  70 (Veteran) 1 NCO and 4 men
+ 3 men @14 = +  55 Points
+ LMG = +15
= 127

Foreign Legion Infantry Section  70 (Veteran) 1 NCO and 4 men
+ 3 men @14 = +  55 Points
+ LMG = +15
= 127

Foreign Legion Infantry Section  70 (Veteran) 1 NCO and 4 men
+ 3 men @14 = +  55 Points
+ LMG = +15
= 130

Medic (Veteran)  30pts 

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Platoon Commander (1st Lieutenant)  39pts (Veteran)

Artillery Platoon

Platoon Commander (1st Lieutenant)  39pts (Veteran)

Total (so far): 531 points

Over half way to 1000 points! I have officers for the Heavy Weapons and Artiller Platoons... but no Heavy Weapons or artillery yet! What could I get to fill out those platoons and get this force to 1000 points!?

+6 Riflemen @14 (to make all the squads 10) +84 points

+6 men @13 (to give all the Platoon headquarters 2 extra men) +78 points

+ Medium Mortar Team (Veteran) +54 points

+ Medium Machine-Gun Team (Veteran)  +65 points  

+ Light Howitzer (Veteran) +59 points
Add gun shield for +5pts

That gets me to 876 points...? Not a lot of anti-armour capability, save for the light howitzer, which itself isn't a lot of anti-armour capability! (can't even give Foreign Legionnaires anti-tank grenades!?).

I could do all this with five packs from Perry Miniatures! 

What else to bring it up to 1250, though (which seems like the NEW standard size for 3ed edition)!? Another Infantry Squad!? Another Howitzer!?  An anti-tank team with an anti-tank rifle might be apropos, but I can't seen to find any Foreign Legionnaires armed as such! 

Crusader miniatures has a French 25mm anti-tank gun and crew... in Adrian helmets... maybe I could carve off the helmets and give them a Kepi...? 

Also, I definitely do not need all four Officers... so I was thinking this one, along with the Charles De Gaulle miniature I have, could join the French 1940 force as the much needed Platoon commanders for their Heavy Weapons and Artillery Platoons... Then I just need another tank for them (or three... or four...?) 


  1. Very nice vignette with General de Gaulle, who at the time smoked a lot, and Captain de Boissieu Dean de Luigné. The latter, aide-de-camp to the General, was a cavalry officer. The sky blue kepi with “red ass” is correct. The color of the braids is silver.

    Son-in-law of General de Gaulle, he ended his career as army general, chief of staff of the army and grand chancellor of the Legion of Honor.

  2. Looking good!
    Once upon a time I saw some company had 28mm versions of Laurel and Hardy in the older French Foreign Legion uniforms/kit, ala their movie, Beau Hunks. I was always kind of tempted to get them and enough other figures to do some sort of FFL skirmish gaming.

    1. Thanks!

      Sounds like something Pulp Figures may have done...?

  3. Excellent Tim, they look great!
    Alan Tradgardland
