Thursday, February 27, 2025

WW2 - Taking Stock of the Afrika Korps

 With the renewed interest in the Second World War, I've been taking stock of things and seeing what I have that I can finish up to make into a playable force, and what I might need to add to make forces I have playable (in Bolt Action - Third Edition), and so far I have been focusing on forces that fought in the desert war in North Africa (primarily because I recently bought a Desert Game Matt... and didn't bother to get one that would be useful for European fields or jungles of the Pacific...) 

Having mostly sorted out the Italians... I thought I'd shift focus to the Deutsches Afrikakorps - my small collection of Germans for the North African campaign. I am sticking with Axis forces (rather than working on an allies force to oppose my Italians) largely because my sole opponent has an American army, so working on forces that can face the Americans! 

This force, as with most of my other 28mm World War Two forces had their genesis in Pulp Adventure/Weird War gaming with Savage Worlds over fifteen years ago - before Bolt Action was even released! After the release of Bolt Action, I did try to add things to the forces to make them playable with those rules - which mostly focused around a solitary Infantry platoon - with lots of potential support options. 

I didn't really get around to doing this with the Afrika Korps before mostly abandoning 28mm World War Two when interests shifted and I coudln't find anyone that wanted to play World War Two games in 28mm (most locals that were interested were still playing Flames of War - or other games making use of 15mm minatures) 

This is what I have ready for the Duetsches Afrikakorps, a lot of which was painted recently

this is all the Nazis-in-the-Desert stuff that I have - including some more Pulp-y characters and such. 

This is the force I can currently use in Bolt Action... 

This is what that might look like in Bolt Action (maybe.. I don't have the rules yet, I am basing this on all the lists I do have access to, they all seem to be the same across armies for Regulars - except when special rules apply - like "tough fighter" or whatever): 

Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander - 1st Lieutenant - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular) = +20

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Forward Observer - (air force or artillery) 75pts (Regular)
Radio Operator +11pts per man (Regular) 

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Platoon Commander (2nd Lieutenant) - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman @10pts  (Regular)= +20 points

Machine Gun Team  - 50pts (Regular) 

Mortar Team -  30pts (Regular) 

TOTAL: 612


I still have a few things I could paint up to make a rather ad hoc "armoured platoon". these include:

Panzer IV - a later one (like F2..?) with the longer barrel. These, I think, were only available in the later stages of the war in North Africa... 

An Sdkfz 222 armoured car. 

Panzer I - they had quite a few of these in North Africa - expecially at the beginning of it all in 1941!

I have no idea how many points this might add... hopefully enough to get to 1000 points

Stuff to Get

There are a number of items I would still like to get for this force. 

Primarily some more appropriate armour and some anti-tank weapons! 

Armour could include a few more Panzer I, Panzer II and Panzer III - in earlier models that would be appropriate for North Africa (most of the Panzer III easily available - and least expensive - are the J and later versions - which would have only showed up at the very end of the campaign - or were only used in Europe in the later part of the war), 

A few anti-tank weapons would be handy - Pak 36 and Pak 38... maybe even an Anti-Tank Rifle team...? If I get these, though, I'd need an Artillery Platoon Commander!? 

I could get some more infantry to fill out the Infantry platoons (two packs of six from Perry Miniaures would be 12 and add three to each squad bringing them to NINE, which is plenty... that would also add 120 points, right there!) 

Ideally some transportation...? but not entirely necessary... most transport would have likely been dismounted from and left far enough behind that it would remain off the table, if on the advance - and even further behind if defending!   

Not something that this force could use on the tabletop... but I wouldn't mind getting a mess of 1/72 German aircraft and painting them in desert colours - to use as objectives/targets for raids by the LRDG/SAS

WHEN am I going to get any of these?! I have no idea... I need to finish painting the last few things I have (the two tanks and armoured car). Then we'll see... 

This feels a little like a repeat of the post from a week or so ago... I mostly did this because I was reexamining the force and actually trying to put points to them in anticipation of playing SOON!! Also, I was taking a BUNCH of new pictures for the new WW2 - Afrika Korps Gallery, which you can see here:

WW2 - Afrika Korps 

Also, I recently made a new Gallery for all the Italians:

WW2 - Italy

The plan is to keep those up-to-date as I finish things off... 


  1. It is always nice to find that you have a painted force ready to go with other rules. (although with as many figures from as many eras as you have, I am sure it is a common feeling).

    I thought I read that the Perry figures were smaller, and more true to scale. Looks like yours are mostly Artizan?

    Regarding the tanks, PzIII seems like the best way to go, being both common in theater and period appropriate, but you should also consider how "gamey" you want to be... this is for Bolt Action after all. The Germans did have some Tigers in North Africa, and shouldn't they all turn up in your platoon's support? Schwerpunkt and all that....

    1. Most of these are, in fact, Artizan Designs! I have a few Perry Minatures - ECW and Napoleonic and... I'm sure something else?! Oh... some of the SAS Jeeps. They're not so much smaller that it would bother me... It might bother others...

      The one set that does bother me a little bit is I have a few First Corps WW2 Japanese (which I think are actually 1/48?) and some older Bolt Action Warlord Games metal Japanese (which are 1/56) and the latter look like children next to the former!? The First Corps stuff I painted as Special Naval Landing Force troops and the other are Imperial Japanese Army and I vowed to never use the two together!

      Part of my just wants to get rid of the First Corps figures... but who's going to want them when they tower over everyone!? I guess someone who has a collection of the same already and loves that their Japanese are giants among tiny americans of other manufacturers!?

      Yeah... This is why I like building both sides and can have relatively matched forces and set up specific scenarios and why I am less of a fan of competitive you bring your 1000 points and i'l bring mine type games... I feel this is why so much tends towards late war. If you know every potential opponent at the tournament or the club could have some giant-ass super heavy tanks with superheavy anti-tank main armament... you kind of need to bring that yourself or all of your tanks are going to die on the first turn and then the enemy tanks will run roughshod over the squishy infantry... I guess you can give them anti-tank grenades and make them all tank-hunters... bah! We shall see!

      (I do have a Tiger I can bust out, if need be!!)

    2. (the downside is my Tiger is from Westwind Productions and their WW2 stuff is 1/60 scale and the Tiger looks smaller than my 1/56 scale Panzer IV!?)

    3. For early war games, the PzIV is like a Tiger!

      And figure scale and size is a pain in the rear. Particularly when you do not have a good source to compare them to one another.

  2. Nice and usable in Italy/Sicily too, with your desert mat and your opponents Americans, the pzkfw IV f2 would be kosher as well?
    Best Iain

    1. Oh, for sure! The Panzer IV it totally something Americans would have faced and is probably a reasonable match for the Sherman and M10 Tank Destroyer!

      But I like building matched forces for periods that I find interesting and that I want to play. I'd like to eventually have German and Italian and Commonwealth forces roughly for 1940-41 - from the Italian invasion of Egypt through Operation Compass and the arrival of the Afrikakorps - play some tank battles in the sand with some crazy little light tanks that a 2-pounder and an anti-tank rifle was still a threat to!
