Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Da Kunnin Krew versus Zondara's Gravebreakers

 The Lost Post. 

Amanda and I played this game a few weeks back on... the 8th of June!? When I first suggested maybe we should get some one-one-one games in with Rivals decks so we at least look like when know what we're doing at the event at the end of the month... and then we didn't play again for almost two weeks! And apparently I forgot to do a quick game report!?

Amanda wanted to try something new so she grabbed Da Kunnin' Krew - which she has played against - at least once or twice - but had no recolection of... never played herself, let along looked at the cards. 

Up until this point, I'd been having pretty good luck with Zondara's Gravebreakers. I went into this game genuinely worried that I was just going to DESTROY Amanda and discourage her from attending the event with me... 

If you can't read her new hat, it says: "I will meditate and then DESTROY YOU!"

I'm not sure WHEN, exactly, she was able to do any meditation, but it worked out!?

It's been a while since we played, so I don't remember exactly how it all went down. 

Up until this point I'd pretty consistently won with Zondara's - except for one (but that game was super close - lost by a point, and would have won, except I'd read an objective card that I EASILY would have been able to score... but because I hadn't read it properly, did the wrong thing...) scoring 12-13 points... 

This game just didn't work out... and Amanda just wrecked every chance I had to score Objective cards... without even knowing she was doing it... It just kind of worked out that she happened to do the EXACT things needed to wreck every plan I made... 

Took out a zombie that I REALLY NEEDED to get to a particular objective token... Jumped on an objective token I needed to get on to score... 

I THINK Zondara and Ferlain made it to the end... or... maybe not, because then I would have had the BOTH STILL ALIVE card I could score...? or I just drew that at the wrong time and... Yeah... I don't know... Things just didn't work out. 

I did see how Zondara's can quite easily be countered in this game, though... I like Zondara's Gravebreakers, because they are less dependent on being able to KILL lots of stuff. You can kind of do your own thing, putting zombies on objectives and doing their special grave-break action and scoring points for it... if people try to kick off you Zombies, that's FINE because they can be brought back the very next activation with another gravebreak action - and they come back INSPIRED and tougher! You kind of WANT people to take out your zombies... 

The counter, though, is aggresively moving into Zondara's territory and standing on those objectives - denying the Gravebreak action - and hitting zombies standing next to them!

Amanda won 11-6... it wasn't an overwhelming defeat (like when Orion beats me 20-4!?)... and I learned stuff!  

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