Monday, June 17, 2024

Warhammer Quest - Kairic Acolytes

 Here, finally are the last of the Kairic Acolytes from the two earlier Age of Sigmar era Warhammer Quest games; Silver Tower and Shadow over Hammerhal.

I'm not sure which came from which set... 

These are all the Kairic Acolytes together. 

Weird that there are only 18 of these... They're sold in boxes of 20 normally...? Fielded in units of 10 or 20 in Age of Sigmar. Ah well... Finnegan's probably NEVER going to play Age of Sigmar, so why worry. 

These are all the Tzeentch forces so far - still need to finish up the Gaunt Summoner and Tzangors

I might convince him to play Warcry sometime - and he definitely will have a Warband's worth from these Tzeentch warriors. 

I'm pretty sure he'd have warcry warbands for Khorne and Nurgle as well, just from the miniatures in Silver Tower and 

All of the Warhammer Quest Hostiles (from Silver Tower and Shadow over Hammerhal) - so far! (only eight of the Kairic Acolytes were from Silver Tower)

To finish all the hostiles for Silver Tower I still need to finish the Grots, the Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch, 2 Skaven Deathrunners, 6 Tzaangors, 8 Grot Scuttlings, and 6 more Chaos Familiars!

Huh... I just looked up the contents of Shadows Over Hammerhal and all I need  finish up .for that is 5 Putrid Blightkings...? Maybe I need to finish THAT one first!? 


This (along with the three Gryph-Hounds I also finished up over the weekend) puts me at 111x28mm miniatures painted so far this year - versus 91 acquired... Further into the Black! 


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