Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 19 June 2024

 The Landscape of the Workbench has changed somewhat... 

In the last week, I finished 11x Kairic Acolytes, 3x Gryph-hounds, Cado Exechiar, Mr. Squiggly-Wiggly, AND then I took stock of my Hedonites of Slaanesh and decided I need to get some DAEMONS painted... and THEN I realized I'm WAY closer to finishing Shadows Over Hammerhal, so I shelved the Grots and Tzangors and all the little familiars and Skaven Deathrunners... and then the Skaven warhammer underworlds warbands... and a couple other Warhammer Underworlds Warbands... and replaced THOSE with the five Putrid Blight Kings that I need to finish up the Hostiles for Shadows Over Hammerhal... 

And then I moved everything else that wasn't a priority OFF he Workbench... 

Most of it got organized into boxes that are on shelves right behind the workbench... so they're still there when I finish one thing, I can grab the next little batch! 

So what's still ON the Workbench...?

Putrid Blight Kings. I might have gone a little overboard with the rust... (can you really "go overboard" with decay on Nurgle models?) The armour started off GREEN... but not much is still visible... Not going to go back and "fix" it, leaving them as they are! 

Heroes for Warhammer Quest - the Lord-Castellant, Cogsmith, Black Ark Fleetmaster, Loremaster are all needed for Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal... 

Dagnai Holdenstock (from Cursed City) is there as well, because I was working him and the Cogsmith up with the Thundrik's Profiteers and is very nearly finished... 

Domitan's Stormcoven remains on the table, because the colour palette is so similar to  the Lord-Castellant, I thought I might finish them up along with the Lord Castellant... 

The Chaos Gargant - still want to get him finished by Friday... will it happen...? I don't know... 

This thing it back on the workbench... I finished him a few weeks back, but then realized he's the BIG BOSS in Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal, and he looked so diminutive on that 32mm base... Especially compared to the Gaunt Summoner from Silver Tower... I decided to put him on a bigger base more appropriate to his station in life! 

Also the Free Miniature-of-the-Month is still on the workbench... ?

There are also a few other Warhammer Quest Heroes... I did take pictures but they were all blurry (like WAY MORE blurry than these pictures above, and I just couldn't be bothered to go back downstairs and take more pictures since they're not a priority and probably won't be worked on this week... or next... 

The top priority of things I definitely want to finish by the end of June:

  • Chaos Gargant (for Warhammer Underworlds!) 
  • Lord-Castellant (Shadows over Hammerhead)
  • Cogsmith (Shadows over Hammerhead)
  • Black Ark Fleetmaster (Shadows over Hammerhead)
  • Loremaster (Shadows over Hammerhead)
  • 5x Putrid Blightkings (Shadows over Hammerhead)


  • Dagnai Holdenstock (from Cursed City) 
  • Domitan's Stormcoven (Warhammer Underworlds) 
I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning this last week. In no small part because we are nearing the end of a Quarter and I started drafting my Game Plan for 2024-Q3... and it's looking more like an actual PLAN than the last few! Part of that thinking and planning lead me to removing everything from the workbench that wasn't really part of the plan. A bunch of the boxes that were on the shelves behind the workbench were also taken to the basement and put into longer term storage, becase I'm just not getting to them this year (mostly 40K/Kill Team stuff... and... pretty much anything that wasn't Age of Sigmar related!?). 


  1. Nice to get the workbench cleared, and other stuff packed away but still readily accessible for when you want to get to them. I try to do that with some things. Especially if I get a bunch of minis prepped, but I'm not ready to paint them all yet.

    1. It does seem to be the smart way to do things... but no one ever accused me of being smart... so, we'll see how long it lasts!

    2. Yeah, same here. Every once in a while I get things cleared up and somewhat organized. Then the next thing I know entropy has taken it all back! ha!
      I console myself when I look at the cluttered workspaces and offices and such, from people who are more dedicated than I am; from people such as Adam Savage or some of the makers he interviews and their shops, some of the professors I had, etc. As well as illustrations of alchemist labs or wizards' studies. I like the look of such places. Organization is good, but doesn't have to be sterile. The best thing is if you can get at things you need to get, have enough clear space to work in, and probably not so much clutter that it overwhelms. Easier said than done, and even when done rarely remains done. :P
