Sunday, July 7, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Rivals Event

Whoops! It's been a week since the Warhammer Underworlds Rivals Event at the Warhammer Store in Saskatoon! (weirdly, it FEELS like it was even longer ago!?) 

We kind of slept in Sunday morning and had less than an hour to get ready and out the door... and I STILL hadn't even decided what Warband to take!? I'm not sure Amanda was entirely settled... but was probably leaning towards the Dread Pageant, if I didn't take them. I had started thinking I should start playing them more (as I've picked up a Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box and will be playing them in Age of Sigmar, to start, at least). But in the end I gave up on the idea of playing the Kharadron of Thundrik's Profiteers and went with Skabbik's Plaguepack! 

We did NOT get out the door within the hour and were running quite late. I sent a note to let them know we were both on our way and if they wanted to start without us, Amanda and I could play in the first round against each other. 

In the end they WAITED for us. Only seven showed up, and John decided not to play and that one person would get a bye each round. In that first round it was Amanda!?

Initially it was discussed that we would start at 1pm. There would be two rounds from 1-2 and 2-3pm, lunch break from 3-3:30, and two more rounds from 3:30 until 5:30... it wasn't until we were starting the third round after the break that I found out the plan had been changed to just THREE rounds!? 

Ah well... 


In the first round I played Sean. He hadn't really decided what to play either and had brought a few options!?

As we were setting up he decided to play Headkrakka's Madmob. I've not played them, nor seen them play before, but I'd heard they are pretty nasty. 

Indeed, they were pretty nasty! They just killed all the rats... 

Well, ALMOST all the rats - at the end of the game Itchitt was still alive!

Sean won the game 20-4

Also in the second round Dray was playing Nic and Orion was playing Jared. 

Amanda started with a bye and kind of just had to hang around and watch the games for the first bit. 

Nic won their first game (11-4) and Orion lost her first game (16-14)!!


For the second round the other two tables swapped...

Orion's Headsman's Curse played Dray's Thorns of the Briar Queen. 

Nic's Cyreni's Razors face Jared's Draper's Wraithcreepers. 

Idoneth and Creepers. 

Amanda played Sean, and I had the bye in the second round. 

Teh Dread Pageant fighting Headkrakka's Madmob. 

Somehow Hadzu not only survived to the end... but was the ONLY one of the Dread Pageant that survived to the end... AND they WON!? (12-11?! SO CLOSE!?) 

Orion won her second game and Nic lost theirs... 

Amanda and I wandered down the way to try out a Burrito place we'd never been to before... and it was pretty okay! 


With one loss and one win each (because a Bye apparently counted as a win for me!? I face Orion next and her Headsman's Curse 

Somehow I took a lot more pictures of this game... 

But it's been a week now, so I don't really remember what happened in each round... 

Rats got murdered... 

Some of the undead got smashed apart... 

Only to return in the next round!?

Once again Itchitt was the last rat standing. 

I totally lost again... but not by quite as much as my first game!? only 14-8 - wasn't even doubled, let along quintupled!? 

In the final round Amanda faced Jared for the trophy, but lost.... 

Jared, winner of Saskatoon's first Warhammer Underworlds tournament, with his "Shadeglass" trophy.

Everyone went home with a BUNCH of swag!? 

I got a bit more becuase I had the best painted warband... 

Now ALMOST have a full set of acrylic tokens. 

Prizes for best painted! Yay! 

It was a pretty fun day. I was a little bit disappointed I only got to play two games (instead of the four I was initially expecting to play...). But I got in a bike ride on a nice day and got to spend the afternoon hanging out with Amanda and played a couple games against some fabulous humans... so I can't complain too much!?