Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh - Slickblade Seekers

 I finished up the Slickblade Seekers - for my Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force - Saturday evening 

Slickblade Seekers

The Spearhead force, so far... 

I just have the Blissbard Archers to finish up, and they are very nearly done... I stayed up stupid late last night trying to finish them up so I could possibly head out to the Spearhead League opener at the Warhammer Store today... at about 4am I had to admit, they just weren't getting done... 

AND it would be a 20Km round trip to get to the store (by bicycle, as I don't have a car and the Transit system is... not great...) ... in +32°C heat... 

AND the Air Quality Health Index is just listed as 10+... they just stop counting once it gets to 10... at that point, you just shouldn't be out physically exerting oneself out of doors... 

Hopefully I'll finish up the Blissbard Archers today and be ready for the next Spearhead League meet-up in two weeks (and maybe get in some side games before then!!) 


I have SO MANY other things I could paint up for this force - some even need to be assembled. I am super tempted to get going on those... but I also have a few other Spearhead forces I'd like to get going on - so I can have rival forces here in the house to potentially introduce people to the game... Who..?! I don't know... It's just nice to have that possiblity... Maybe if I do the Stormcast next I could convince Amanda to try it out...?! 

it is CrAzY how HUGE the Slickblade Seekers are compared to the older Daemonic Seekers. The fluff says the Slickblade Seekers are riding "EXALTED Seekers"... so... that's supposed to explain it...? By why do Daemons not get Exalted Seekers!? I guess they probably will at SOME point... and then the regular old seekers will be rotated out into "Legends"....


  1. They look great I also end up painting up units so that if someone came over I could cover both sides, especially Italian wars, it's usually a sign I'm enjoying painting them ! I've still got one of those 1980s seekers in the loft, the plastic ones look massive!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      Both of these sets of seekers are plastic! The ones with Daemonette riders are just OLDER plastic... I'm sure the metal ones from the 80s would be even smaller still!!

      I've generally built opposing forces ever since the mid-90s when I bought my first DBA army (Persians) only to have they guys with Scythians, Thracians, Macedonians, and Indians move away when they finished university...

  2. Those turned out amazing. Wild looking models.

  3. Great paint job! Just came accross this as I'm searching for some neat proxy's for thunderwolves for my 40k army - what is the base size of the slickblade seekers, and do you think a primaris space marine would scale well as a rider for these? Thanks for the help!

    1. Thanks!

      The Slickblade Seekers are on 75 × 42mm bases. They are BIG.

      Primaris Space Marines would definitely be a fair bit bigger than these riders... but the mounts they are on are pretty HUGE, so I don't think a primaris marines would look too out of place!
