Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: STILL MORE on Satuday

On Saturday, 29 June, for the FIFTH day in a row, Amanda and i played a few games of Warhammer Underworlds in preparation for the Tournament on Sunday! 

Saturday evening, while Finnegan was running his role-playing game in the Game Room downstairs, we set up on the kitchen table (like fucking PEASANTS!?) and played a few games of Warhammer Worlds.

I'd played Sean the day before and he was using Ironsoul's Condemnors and did pretty okay with them and suggested they were probably the easiest, most straightforward warband to play in Rivals, so I'd suggested it to Amanda for the tournament. She'd tried them out the night before and done better with them than she'd done with Morgwaeth's...

So she wanted to practice with Ironsoul's Condemnors a bit more... and I wanted to have another go at playing Thudrik's Profiteers

Poor Enrik Ironhail... I don't think I've activated him ONCE in four games. Always killed in the first round before he even gets to do something!? 

Having learned a little bit from the night before, I set up quite a bit closer... but forgot about getting OBJECTIVE TOKENS in No One's Territory within two hexes of my most forward starting hexes... doh!? 

Setting up that close did put me in "pew-pew range"...

But it also put me in charge range... 

The Condemnors just took the Profiteers apart, one-by-one... 

Despite setting up closer to No-One's and Enemy territory... I STILL couldn't score Objectives... 

Because EVERYONE DIED too quickly... 

I did WORSE than the previous game with this match up... previous game had been a loss at 10-7... this game I lost 14-4!?

WTF!? I was feeling pretty discouraged about Thundrik's Profiteers... if you can get lucky and score a few objectives early on... and inspire the fighters, they can do okay... but it requires excellent card draws and some really good dice rolls all through the first round... otherwise, they are kind of fucked... 

We played a second game, but Amanda wanted to so something different and wanted try out The Dread Pageant. I probably should have played Thundrik's against these - just to try them against something different... but I was feeling pretty down at this point.... So I played Skabbik's Plaguepack... 

All ready to go, Amanda let me have the first turn. 

In the first activation, Poxlix charged up the board, hit Hadzu, dealing one damage and pushing him back into the lethal hex and killing him... BOOM!!!

In the Power Step, Amanda pushed Slakeslash through a lethal hex, purposely injuring them (a normal tactic for the Dread Pageant as they inspire when there are 6 wound tokens on fighter cards - any fighter cards - and Slakeslash has 5 wounds so he can usually be counted on to take a few for the team - and he does have a method of healing after the warband inspires. 

On her first activation, Slakeslash attacked Rikkit, and MISSED!?

On my second activation Rabidius charged up behind Rikkit and attacked Slakeslash, HIT them, dealing three wounds and pushing them back into a lethal hex for a fifth wound taking them out of action... 

On my second activation...

Amanda was not pleased.... 

I suggested we just reset. 

So we reset with the same board and all the same objective tokens... but Amanda didn't put Hadzu between a lethal hex and an Objective token. 

This game went less well for me... 

I forgot to continue taking pictures... but the Dread Pageant murdered all but one of my little rats... 

At this point I was really conflicted about what warband I should even take to the tournament... Stick with the ORIGINAL PLAN and take Thundrik's Profiteers...?! Take something completely different..?! Skabbik's..? Dread Pageant!? 

Stay tuned for the Tournament Report, in the next day or two... after a few post about some miniatures I finished over the last few days! 

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