Thursday, December 12, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Three - Scavenge Journey

For this third Journey, Amanda and Finnegan decided to try a Scavenge Journey - then they'd have tried all three of the Basic Journey types with this group of Heroes. 

Again, Amanda played Emelda Braskov and Glaurio ven Alten III, and Finnegan played Jelsen Darrock and Brutogg Corpse-Eater... mostly because I STILL haven't finished painting any of the others!? I am still kind of playing game master, running the hostiles and generally trying to keep the game moving along.. 

In this Journey the heroes have to run around a static map searching Mysterious Objects. There may be traps or treasures or Realmstone or Crises to deal with when they are searched. Starting on the table are four such Mysterious Objects. As they are searched, more are placed out. In total there are twelve that can be searched. Ten MUST be searched for the mission to be a success! There are much higher value realmstone cards in the Discovery Deck in this journey! 

Making plans... 

Our heroes are dropped in a square by the Adamant airship

Emelda Braskov strikes out first and tries to take on a pair of Zombies by herself... 

... and does not succeed. Glaurio Ven Alten III comes to her aid. 

Brutogg strikes out on his own as well, smashing zombies, eating their corpses, collecting treasure. 

Whenever a Mysterious Object was successfully searched, and either Realmstone or a Treasure is collected, the Mysterious Object was removed and a new one placed in one of the marked squares, furthest from any Hero... but sometimes the square that is furthest from a hero... is in the same room as a hero... (Generally when all three of the other Heroes also happen to be standing in the same room that one of the others are supposed to appear!?

Rather than recycling the same few Mysterious Objects, I've been making use of assorted terrain bits from other collections - mostly ones from Hellboy the Boardgame from Mantic Games! 

Ven Alten struck off on his own to fight some Ulfenwatch and find some treasure of his own.. 

Emelda doubled-back the other way to explore a fountain... 

Brutogg quickly snatching treasure while it was momentarily quiest after the first wave of hostiles had been dealt with... 

The group was rather spread out at this point... 

So when a Vyrkos Blood-Born Vampire appeared, it was easy for it to single out and attack Braskov! 

Hearing her shouts and the sounds of combat, Brutogg rushed back, but was blocked by another group of Ulfenwatch that had just stumbled onto the scene!

Ven Alten made it to her side... but having used most of his movement just to get there. The Vampire turned on Ven Alten and savaged him! 

While Brutogg was still battling the Ulfenwatch, Jelsen Darrock slipped in behind him and grabbed some more treasure!  

Ven Alten and Braskov finished off the Vampire, but then were immediately beset upon by a swarm of Corpse Rats! One of them bit Glaurio! 

Glaurio was NOT in good shape! One more damage and he'd have been out of action... 

Darrock, just sneaking around wherever the enemy aren't, collecting treasure and realmstone! 

Finnegan's figured out Darrocks weaknesses - he does not recuperate from injury very well, just like Ven Alten, and so did a pretty good job of using Brutogg as his BEAT-STICK and just running around with Darrock collecting treasures, occasionally shooting at something from a distance, and only rarely entering close combat with him! 

Glaurio just couldn't seem to stay OUT of combat!!

Brutogg still smashing his way through hordes of undead!

Darrock collecting more treasure... 

Darrock collecting more treasure... 

It was getting kind of close to the end and it was agreed all should start heading towards the square where they could summon the Adamant for extraction... There was an easier way to get there... but Brutogg was still feeling a bit peckish! 

Amanda finally realized maybe she should keep Glaurio out of combat and would just use destiny dice to get him to the landing zone as fast as she could... and then zombies popped up beside him!?

Darrock collecting the last of the treasure... 

Brutogg still taking "the scenic route"... 

Captain Halgrim made an appearance, just at the end of things.. he didn't make it into combat... but his presence buffs ALL the Ulfenwatch on the table! 

And there WERE some Ulfenwatch that needed to be fought through to get to the Extraction Point! 

There was a six amongst the destiny dice, so Glaurio charging and fighting again... when will he learn!? 

A Kosargi Nightguard arrived as well... 

Braskov beating away some bats as she makes her way to the Extraction Point! 

Halgrim shakes his halberd at the escaping heroes, "NEXT TIME, I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME YOU MEDDLING KIDS!"

And with that, everything was back to where it was at the beginning of the Quest... 

The Extraction Event was something that lifted everyone's spirits, so all will start the next journey with one Inspiration Point!

With all the Realmstone they collected, they decided to get Glaurio a Hysh-Crystal Etching... Which would allow him to fire his pistol twice per turn, when uninspired, and THREE times when inspired! Which, hopefully will mean they try to keep him OUT of combat! He can deal some DAMAGE with those pistols, but is a bit of a glass cannon himself! 

This adventure allowed all to gain experience for the third time, which meant they all made it to Level One! unfortunately that means they can no longer gain experience until they have completed the Level One Decapitation Journey - to take out The Vargskyr!!

NEXT WEEK - we will be trying out the OTHER Heroes - Dagnai Holdenstock, Qulathis the Exile, Octren Glimscry, and Cleona Zeitengale... I have two of them done already! They will probably all run through the same three Journeys - Hunt, Deliverance, and Scavenge... and when they're all at Level One, Amanda and Finnegan can pick out four that would be best to go on a the first of five Decapitaton Journeys to take out on of the rulers of Ulfenkarn! 


  1. Always good to see the family enjoying gaming together.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal! They are my favourite humans to play games with!

  3. Splendid looking game and now that it's not being made so mega difficult rather more pleasant?!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. I mean, it's not exactly a cake-walk. Darrock and Ven Alten are pretty squichy... but it did seem a lot less super deadly... and by comparison, sure, more pleasant!

      Thanks, Iain!
