Monday, December 9, 2024

Saturday Shopping Adventure


This past Saturday I did a bit of riding in the snow. Most of the snow on the ground Saturday had fallen earlier in the week (or the week before?) and so most paths and roads had been cleared (or were very packed down) and riding was pretty good. The following day we got a big dump of wet snow that ended up being slush on the ground... and then the temperature dropped overnight leaving everthing super bumpy and slippery... or flat and slippery - where people had bothered to clear it away before it froze solid, making it pretty treacherous out there!

Anyway... Satuday... 

First I rode out to the Warhammer store to pick up a few things... 

Squig Mega-Hoody and a Gryph-Hound plushie.

Both were a bit of an extravagance... I was going for the Mega-Hoody, and the Gryph-hound was a bit more of an impulse buy to get this month's collectable coin (and also to use as an Underdog Token - should I ever get to play Warhammer Underworlds again!?)

I gotta say, the Squig-Mega-Hoody is the biggest, fluffiest, warmest hoody EVER!? 

And Amanda has her Unicorn Onesie for lounging in... why not get myself a Squig-Mega-Hoody. I think it might be one Keiran had and got rid of and Amanda decided to keep... and is actually a bit small for Amanda...? She likes it, though, so who am I to judge!?

(I'd actually suggested getting TWO so we could be one of those gross old couples that have matching clothes... but, like, ironically...? Also, then we'd also be a SQUIG HERD!!! But she decided her Unicorn Onesie was fine) 

(any guesses how long the terminally-cold Amanda steals MY Squig-Mega-Hoody!?) 

While I was there I also picked up the Free Miniature-of-the-Month - a Skaven Stormvermin - and the December Collectible Coin - Embergard. 

I've ended up with four of these collectible coins. I know some people use them as objective markers. I've seen people use them for activation tokens, which is a cool idea... but it'd be fun to have matching ones.. There's no way I'm about to spend another $360 at the warhammer store to get three more Embergard ones!? for starters... there isn't that much I'm interested in... Also... Amanda might murder me! Maybe someone might trade though...? 

and then I rode to the Dragon's Den to pick up a few more things... 

New Slaves to Darkness Battletome, the new Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Spearhead army, and the two new rivals decks for Warhammer Underworlds... 

Unfortunately, the Warbands of Embergard Card Set did NOT show up... and is currently out of stock (and maybe needing to be reprinted?!). So... that's fifteen of my warbands that I can't currently play... 

This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that I've been waiting OVER TWO WEEKS for Staples to print off the OTHER ONES!? 

So annoying... 

There is an "Anvil of Apotheosis" section in the Slaves to Darkness battletome - a section to build custom heroes! There are options for a Chaos Lord, a Sorcerer, a Darkoath leader, AND a Ogroid... I'd been pretty excited about this since I saw the Anvil of Apotheosis in Season of War: Thondia... the options are... rather LIMITED by comparison... But, the good news is, I WILL be able to field the old Mounted Sorcerer miniature I have - with official rules!! (At least in Paths to Glory, which is really all I'm interested in playing!) 

More on this in a bit....

I have a BUNCH of miniature I've finished painting and haven't posted yet... mostly because none of them really go with each other, so I've been waiting to finish up a few more of each type or faction to post together... but maybe I'll just start posting them, spread out over the week... and leave the ones likely to be added to until later in the week... 

Next, however, is Part Two of LAST WEEK'S Warhammer Quest adventure! 


  1. That squig hoodie is cool! I struggle to imagine anyone wearing it out of the house though.

    1. Ha-ha! I do not think it is meant to be worn out of the house! (Though I'm sure someone out there will!)

  2. Cool hoodie (and unicorn onesie). Looks like a good way to stay cozy in that wintery climate. :)
    Quite a haul of coins and other goodies, too.

    1. That's the idea!

      (Except that I generally am warm and almost alway comfortable in the house - especially since we added insulation a decade ago! AMANDA is the one that is almost always cold, all winter long... I'm not entirely sure how much use I'll get out of it! Hence, EXTRAVAGANCE!)
