Sunday, December 15, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Sunday Funday!

So who had EIGHT DAYS in the pool for How Long Will it Take for Amanda to Steal Tim's SQUIG MEGA HOODIE?

Sunday evening we played another round of Warhammer Underworlds... 

We played the same warbands as the evening before (could look at it as the continuation of a best two out of three?)

Cyreni's Razors went first and Alathyrr jumped on a Treasure Token and Delved! 

Ghuloch charged Alathyrr, the roll was tied, but I rolled a crit for Ghuloch, so he pushed Alathyrr off the token, into a stagger hex (not a biggie, she was already staggered from the Delve). More importantly Ghuloch was ON it and would have to be pushed off if they wanted to do more delving there! 

Alathyrr ran away to another Treasure Token and Delved that. Fecula and Sepsimus both charged and finished off Alathyrr, who is the only fighter worth ONE bounty in the warband... so I gained one point and inspired Sepsimus... 

Starting off Round Two Sepsimus charged Cyreni and dealt THREE Damage!!

Fecula followed up with a blast of "magic" (She held a candle up and belched in Cyreni's direction and that finished her off... 

Guloch attacked Renglaith and dealt two damage. 

Fecula threw some more magic about and deal one Damage to Renglaith. I could have done something different to just take Renglaith out... but I had a card that scored a Glory point if there were any vulnerable enemy fighters in the end phase... so... 

Starting off Round Three, Ghuloch finished off Reglaith...

Fecula charged and damaged Cephanyr...

and then Sepsimus charged in to finish off the Squid! 


Seeing how tough Wurmspat was in the last game, I did not hold back at all and played an excessively aggressive game... (although I used neither the card, nor the warscroll ability to take damage to do an extra charge this game! Moslty because it just worked out that fighters were still adjacent when the rest charged out, or Fecula was in a good position to shoot "Magic") 

I won this second game, 18-9! 

Amanda decided she'd played Cyreni's enough and wants to try out Morgwaeth's Blade Coven next. I guess I should try something different at well.... 

Do I play another old favourite to see how they work in the new edition? Skabbik's Plague Pack? Some other Chaos warband?

Or do I try playing something I have not played at all this year?! I have 34 different warbands. at one point I suggested I should try and play them all at least once this year... that's not likely to happen. AT this point, I think I've only played 17 of them - half! Of the other half, at least a dozen of them have been played by other people - mostly Amanda, so it's not like half my warbands are not being used ever!?

This is how big the SQUIG MEGA HOODIE is on Amanda!