Thursday, December 26, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Seven - Deliverance Journey

After the previous evening's Scavenge Journey debacle... it was decided we should take the same group of Heroes through another Deliverance Journey - partly to bring the FEAR Level down - but also, it probably had the least potential for DISASTER in a game starting after Nightfall! If successful, this would also bring this group of characters to Level One and we could attempt the first Decapitation Journey NEXT WEEK! 

Once again, Amanda played Qulathis the Exile and Cleona Zeitengale and Finnegan played Dagnai Holdenstock and Octren Glimscry.

Oof! It was a rough start with THREE Hostile Groups in the first two rooms! All of them EMPOWERED due to nightfall! 

Dagnai Holdenstock started things off by charging into the first building, with perilous holes from whence bodies had been exhumed and turned into Zombies. There he battled swarms of bats! 

Qulathis joined him, but so did a massive swarm of Corpse Rats! 

Before Cleona and Octren could even leave the Landing Zone, a trio of the Ulfenwatch had charged in and were attacking Qulathis and Dagnai - and blocking their exit from the Landing Zone - and their escape from the Suffocating Gravetide, which would soon be upon them! 

Cleona and Octren made it out of the Landing Zone, just as the Suffocating Gravetide came roaring in... 

It was STAGGERING to see how many rolls they completely missed, when their chances of failure was 12-25%... 

Eventually their foes were vanquished and Octren and Dagnai rushed ahead, shouting warnings to the locals to get out of the way of the Suffocating Gravetide, which entered the first room, while Cleona and Qulathis were still in it... 

Glimscry opened a door into the next chamber, only to encounter a lumbering  Kosargi Nightguard right there... and Gorslav the Gravekeeper just entering from the square beyond!! 

Qulathis rushed forward and shot the Kosargi Nightguard full of arrows... which seemed to not bother it in the least... Qulathis grumbled to Glimscry "The worst thing about these is, not only do you have to kill them again, but you have to knock them over too!"

Cleona had pushed past the pair, to gain a foothold in the room, only to be charged by Gorslav the Gravekeeper

"WE NEED TO MOVE NOW!!" cried Octren Glimscry, as the Suffocating Gravetide bore down on them! 

the Kosargi Nightguard was bowled over and Qualthis and Octren pushed past the others into the chamber, as the others were still fighting Gorslav the Gravekeeper

Dagnai and Cleona took down Gorslav, even as the ground beneath their feet began to tremble signalling the arrival of the Gravetide! 

Qulathis had pressed ahead and cleared the way for the others to move through the square and into the next building, which had been occupied by a pair of Zombies

Beyond the chamber the zombies had haunted, was another square filled with swarming bats... and Watch Captain Halgrim. 

Glimscry pushed past Dagnai and beat the Watch Captain with his bewitched staff, cursing him and then crumbled the Captain with his deathly stare! 

Out of the and into the next building - there had been more zombies and just SO MANY rats... Qualthis had pushed her way in and been injured by their relentless assaults (two grievous wounds, and two diseased counters!!) 

Dagnai opened the way into the next square and Octren moved past... 

... and attacked the skeletal warriors of the Ulfenwatch that were lurking in the next building! 

Cleona and Qualthis, bot injured at this point, barely made it out of the building before the Suffocating Gravetide consumed the last of the Corpse Rat swarm! 

Octren moved through the building to see what was in the square beyond... Meanwhile a fancy mirror caught Dagnai's eye and he felt the need to investigate! 

In the square there'd been a Vyrkos Blood-Born vampire waiting in ambush! 

All had caught up by that point and their combined efforts took down the feral vampire, quickly and efficiently! 

Everyone rushed into the court to escape the Gravetide that had, once again, caught up with them! 

They barged into the next buiding, beyond the courtyard and smashed a pair of Ulfenwatch out of the way... 

and then knocked down more zombies in the street beyond... 

The next block over they found MORE Ulfenwatch!

and then MORE Zombies!?

All while warning citizens of he Suffocating Gravetide following hot on their heels! 

Glimscry was briefly trapped by a Zombie that pinned his ridiculously loan goatee to the ground! 

Then, who should appear again!? Gorslav the Gravekeeper!? 

They'd gained some space ahead of the Gravetide, so it wasn't as big of a panic... 

Dagnai held off Gorslav and a few Ulfenwatch that came to his aid. 

Cleona Zeitengale used her Staff of Celestial Devastation to blast Gorslav from afar... the bone-shrapnel from detonating Gorslav took out on of the Ulfenwatch as well. Luckily, Dagnai dodged the flying bits. 

Qulathis pushed past Dagnai and took down the last of the Ulfenwatch... 

It seemed the Gravetide was petering out and they crew decided to call it a night. 

Dagnai quickly searched on Mysterious Object... 

And then another... 

Meanwhile, Qulathis had summoned the Adamant for Extraction. 

And all made it out in one piece! Phew!

And with that the Journey was successful! The Extraction Event involved saving an apothecary who provided them with a healing potion for their next journey - no more starting at NIGHT!? All four characters gained experience and are now Level One - along with all the others! Some Armour upgrades were bought with the Realmstone acquired and given to Jelson Darrok! 

The Successful journey also lowered the Fear Level (but the Influence grew a bit more...)

Afterwards, I read through the description of the first Decapitation Journey, so everyone was clear on how it worked. Then there was a pretty vigorous discussion on which Heroes should be taken on the Decapitation Journey. Ultimately, I think it was decided that Finnegan will likely go back to playing Brutogg Corpse-Eater and Jelson Darrok, and Amanda will continue playing Cleona Zeitengale and and bring back Glaurio Ven Alten III - partly because the Monster's Lair is in old Ven Alten crypts! 

We will be playing this first Decapitation Journey next week on New Year's Day! 


  1. Ha! They had him by the hairs of his chinny chin chin. :P

    It does all look great!

    1. Ha-ha! Yes! They are absurdly long hairs on that chinny chin chin!!

