Monday, September 23, 2019

Wenz Pipe - Battle for the Narco Den

I totally thought this game was going to be played between the grrrlz... last week...

I mean Finnegan and I got in a game on Sunday, but by the time we were done, Amanda and Keira just weren't up for playing a game - and I'd just picked up Stranger things Season Two from the library the day before - and we'd only watched one episode so far!! Monday they planned to play their game after Amanda and I got back from our Ballroom Dance class... but then we ended up missing our class and by the time we got home everyone was too tired... and... STRANGER THINGS! Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings are now filled with scheduled activities (at least for Amanda and Keira!)... So, Friday they said they'd play... but then we had an appointment with someone who was to come between 5:30 and 7pm... but then ended up staying past 8pm and by then we were almost done How I Met Your Mother Season Nine... and so... back to Sunday... our Necromunda game night. Though everyone had been saying since Friday that the Escher gangs would finally meet in battle, no one seemed motivated or interested to getting their game on... and we got started late (because Amanda decided that she was going to make Finnegan go canoeing with her, and instead of doing something sensible like going out with him while Keira and I were out at dance class... went out AFTER we got back!?). By that time Keira was really into some book she was reading and when queried as to whether she's still like to play responded with a melodramatic "I guess" (Which is passive-aggressive teenage girl talk for "No, I do NOT want to play, but I WILL because I'm a passive-aggressive teenage girl...") and so I suggested that maybe she shouldn't...

In the end Amanda suggest that We play... This would me at three games, Amanda and Finnegan at two, and Keira only one... but considering the state of my gang... I took the chance to earn some extra credits and maybe another territory!

Prisoner Release

Earlier last week, before this game took place, I arranged for my two prisoners to be released from their captives. In the rules it specifically states you can make any arrangement you want with the captors - exchange for prisoners or credits or territory or equipment... of course, I have NONE of these to offer... BUT it also says if a gang challenges another gang for control of a territory and the challenged declines, the challenger automatically takes over the territory. So I made both kids a deal - if they released my ganger that they each held captive, I said they could challenge me for ANY territory and I would decline and they could just have it... on the surface, it seems a little gamey, but I figure it's something a Delaque gang might do in a desperate situation - offer to use their network of informants to start a whispering campaign that those regions were now under control of a particular gang, so that everyone in the Bronze Gates knew who was in charge without there ever having to be any bloodshed...? I don't know...

The Average Joes Denestealer Cult gained The Furnace - a smelting works next to the mine they already owned. Blast his socks - the kid took something that made narrative sense over something that would have benefitted him more... He probably SHOULD have taken The Bronze Gates themselves - a Toll Crossing - as Orlocks/Genestealer Cults gain an enhanced boon from that location. but in the description of the locations The Furnace was described as "Next to The Pit", so he figured that was what he should take next....

The Pink Punchers took control of Doc Clemens - the Rogue Doc. She even has her own figure for the doc! I know Amanda had had her sights on the rogue doc, but honestly, she already had enough reputation and cash, she could just recruit one outright...

So my gang was back to... well... not floundering so much... I still have two gangers out from wounds, but with the return of Partem and Glacies, at least I'm back up to seven boots on the ground! (Though Glacies, who was captured by the strange gang that controls the mine came back looking a little "green around the gills" and had large sections of time that he did not remember at all... from time to time he is heard muttering about "The Patriarch"... The gang is a little concerned.


Originally I'd planned a fun narrative scenario with Madame Wenz filling the tunnel with exotic them smoke and as each fighter was activated they'd have to do a make a cool test (+1 if they had filter plugs, +2 if they had a respirator) or would end up Prone and Pinned (from a case of the giggles) - and would essentially miss an action, having to stand up. Anyone that rolled a 2 would be "seriously injured" (having a really bad trip!). As I ended up PLAYING in this game, AND we started a bit late, I decided to forgo the silly rules...

In the end we just ended up playing another Tunnel Skirmish - which is what we rolled on the table - except with 6 tiles and Custom (10) Crew Selection...

We tried out some of the tiles from the Badzone Delta-7 set - the Archaeotech Device and the Furnace Floor. Because of where it was placed, the Furnace Floor wasn't even entered, but having read the rules, Amanda though she'd try her luck with the Archaeotech device.


Before getting things going, we both petitioned our houses for aid. Clan Escher coughed up a Juve for the Crimson Wave... but they had no equipment to equip said Juve with.... so she was just left behind at the Convent. Clan Delaque sent some equipment (2d6x10 credits worth - but that involved me rolling dice so I turned out to be only 40 credits).... four pairs of filter plugs it is... A couple of the lads jammed them up their noses and headed down to Wenz Pipe...

Woo! Gang all ready to rumble! All SEVEN of them! Only one in recovery!


Then those witches spiked my leader's drink!

Stacked and ready to charge the door which formed a bit of a bottleneck in the battlefield.

Half of the Escher Gang was deployed in a large, cavernous room - to try and catch the Delaque interlopers...

The other half were in the hall just outside the room with the Archaeotech Device.

On the first turn the Escher gangers rushed forward to take cover behind barricades.

Then she maneuvered the rest into the room with the Archaeotecch device.

Most of them got to the device, but the Juve lagged behind, having spent an action opening the door for them all.

The Delaque Gangers just rushed forward to the bottleneck gate.

On the following turn they all got up on that archaeotech device. The special rule is that if one ganger is within 1" of the console and spends and action trying to activate it - they make an Intelligence roll and, if successful, all the weapons of all the gangers on the platform gain the Shock trait for the rest of the game.

If they don't succeed...


All are prone and pinned and took d6 S2 hits...

Yeah, that was bad. I think one was knocked out of action right there, two others were seriously injured. It was a bad scene. Amanda was pretty certain that was the end of the game right then and there.

Apparently she forgot who she was playing...

Things did look like they were going from bad to worse when I played my Delaque tactic that knocked out all the lights and plunged the rooms and corridors into utter darkness. Only my gangers could see anything - as they ALL had Photogoggles!

Unfortunately they couldn't hit or wound a damned thing. And as they started shooting, the Escher gangers could see where they were and shoot back... and they COULD hit AND wound things!

My leader did get in there and take down few girlie gangers - before getting shot by Mad Donna's plasma pistol! Another was shot by Mutatio...

They had numbers though and I quickly bottled out, lost my leader and things quickly went downhill from there.

So the Crimson Wave Escher Gang claimed Wenz Pipe - the Narco den. Now everyone had three territories and I just have the one starting Settlement... Between scenario rewards and income collected, Amanda brought in 130 Credits. I got 15.

Oh, and three of my four gangers that were taken out of action, were grievously injured, including my leader. And because he was in recovery and I have no other champions, when Glacies rolled a critical injury, there was no one to take him to the Doc's... Not that I would have had the credits to pay for the Doc's services... and because I bottled and fled, no one was able to recover his gear...

The Escher gang also suffered a critical injury - conveniently, because she just hired on a Rogue Doc, she neither had to use a Leader or Champions post-game action to take the injured ganger in, or had to pay for it... unfortunately, there were complications and the ganger died anyway (rolled a one!)!

Amanda decided to save her credits for now - saving up for another champion -preverably one with a Heavy Stubber! Her leader did end up with enough experience to gain an advance and increased her Weapon Skill... She is an absolute close-combat monster - three attacks at WS2+, Plasma pistol and chainsword and nigh impossible to hit with the Step Aside skill (rolls initiative of 2+ to just step out of the way of any hit) and if anyone DOES land any blows she's sporting Mesh Armour with an armoured undercut (4+ Save!)


One-Eyed Red Snakes (Gang Rating: 1095, Reputation: -1, Credits: 15)
The Snake Den - Settlement

Pink Punchers (Gang Rating: 1120, Reputation: 3, Credits: ???)
Punchville - Settlement
Doc Clemens - Rogue Doc Shop
D52 - Gambling Den

Crimson Wave (Gang Rating: 1100, Reputation: 8, Credits: 130)
The Sisters of Mercy Convent - Settlement
Bung’s Hole - Drinking Hole
Wenz Pipe  - Narco Den

Average Joes (Gang Rating: 1285, Reputation: 5, Credits ???)
The Smelly Pit - Settlement
The Pit - Mine Workings
The Furnace - Smelting Works

Uncontrolled Territories
Slop Pile  - Refuse Drift
The Bronze Gates - Toll Crossing
Shrine of the Sinners Past - Bone Shrine
The Machine - Archaeotech Device
The Burn Tanks - Promethium Cache
Rock Pile - Wastes

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Maybe another game of Necromunda...? If I can talk anyone into playing after Ballroom tomorrow evening.

I also have some Epic Marines I'm going to post pictures of at some point... and I finished off a few more Genestealer Cultists for Finnegan... because he can't seem to get around to painting them himself!?


  1. You should take up Bloodbowl, Nuffle curses your die even when you don't play.

    1. Ha! I haven't played the last few editions... but I do still have all my stuff from 2nd edition Blood Bowl!
