Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Battle for Boglen Wood – Round Four

Another round of our Song of Blades and Heroes  Campaign….


Amanda and I got in a game on Monday before she took off to Denver for a conference for a couple days…


The Elves of Bolgen Wood (Amanda)
1 Campaign Point, Tough as Nails

Elf Elite Archer Leader
100 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Leader

Elf Elite Archer
70 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Elite Archer
70 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Archer
55 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long)

Total 295 points

Baron Phillipe Lapin’s Men-at-Arms (me!)
3 Campaign Points, Tough as Nails, Retain the Initiative, Combat Masters

Baron Phillipe de Lapin - Human Infantry Leader
70 points, Q 2+, C 4, Leader, XP 3

Dame Margrit - Human Blessed Paladin
96 points, Q 3+, C 4, Cleric, Heavy Armour, Paladin, Steadfast, Fearless, XP 0

Gaston - Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 3

Renauld - Human Archer
44 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), XP 3

Jean-Luc - Human Archer
44 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), XP3

Pierre - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C4, XP 3

Claude - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C4, XP 3

Patrice - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C4, XP 2

Louis - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 2

Francois - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 1

Total 454 points


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Elves of Bolgen wood met Baron Phillipe’s men in a mountain pass…

Ugggghhhh…. EVERY GAME!? AT least The Baron went and DIDN’T roll a turn over (for once) and got the Men-at-Arms going with a group order. Dame Margrit got going… But when it game to the archers… it seemed they were busy still stringing their bows or something. These guys are Q2+ now, this shouldn't be happening - I think in Turn Two another one of the Q2+ archers rolled a turn-over - he was the last to go, but still... 

First round – the Elves made one of the Men-at-Arms duck for cover!

Amanda was trying to play a quick game because she still had packignto do before heading to Denver in the morning. So simply charged her elves right at me firing at a run!

Feeling a bit outnumbered.

The numbers were telling – everytime I got into combat I was outnumbering the elves.

Down they went…

Some got back up again.

But didn’t’ stay up for long…

The last standing elf fleeing the table…

After the battle the Elves checked their wounded and found the two archers were mosderately wounded (Q 3+ for the next game), but their leader would make a full recovery.

Checking for income the elves collected only 10 Gold. Baron Phillipe’s men, however, brought in 40gold – plus another 5 gold for the Alehouse.

During the Exploration phase the Elves… got lost… probably due to the head injuries… Baron Phillipe’s men stumbled upon a Thieves Den! Strangely he was actually able to recruit them to work for him and now I get to steal d6 gold from my opponent after each game!?

Totally dominating this campaign so far – which was not really my intention… Hard to get people to keep playing games with you if you keep trashing them game after game… Ah well, the campaign is almost over and they all still seem keen enough to play – already planning their NEXT wearbands!. Next time I’ll play Hobbits… or maybe goblinzes...?


Brother and Sister once again clashed in an epic battle of sibling… er… something-or-other… I'd hoped we'd get this game down while Amanda was away and be ready to rage ahead with Round five on Saturday. Alas, it was not to be. These guys battled it out Saturday evening. Hopefully we'll get to Round Five this evening! 


Champions of Lagozed (Finnegan)
1 Campaign Point, Retain the Initiative

Lizard Man Champion
82 points, Q 2+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, Tough, XP3

Lizardman Warrior #1
52 points, Q 3+, C 5, Amphibious, Tailslap, XP3

Lizardman Warrior #2
52 points, Q 2+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, XP3

Lizardman Warrior #3
52 points, Q 2+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, XP 3

Lizardman Warrior #4
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, XP 2

Lizardman Warrior #5
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, XP 0

Total 342 points

The Explorers (Keira)

Human Leader
 60 points, Q 3+, C 3, Leader, XP 0

Human Wizard’s Apprentice
30 Points, Q 3+, C 1, Magic-User, Spell Scroll, XP 3

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 3
(Moderate Injury – Q 4+ for this game)

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 1

Human Light Infantry - Slinger
28 Points, Q 3+, C2, Shooter (Medium), XP 0

Total 298 points


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Boy and his Lizards.

The Girl and her band of Warrior Wimyn.

End of The Girls second turn. 

On the Lizards’ second turn The Champion and a Lizardman warrior made it into contacts with one of the Elite Archers. Another Lizardman (the newly recruited one) made it into contact with another of the Elite Archers. In neither case did the Lizards have enough actions to actually ATTACK, but they got into contact, which meant two elite archer not shooting at them this turn.

On Keira’s third turn she moved her Wizard’s Apprentice up and transfixed the solitary lizard in contact with the nearest Elite Archer. Tehn moved the Warrior in and took it down with a powerful blow!

The Elite Archers on the hill and the Light Infantry slinger was brought up to pour arrows and stones down on the Lizardman Warrior at the bottom of the hill – but he was only recoiled…

The Humans’ leader ran down the hill to aid the outnumbered Archer, but was of little help – she recoiled from the combat. In the next turn the two Lizardmen still in contact with the archer took her down, then another moved into contact with the humans leader and took her out of the game as well…

Most of the Wimyn Warriors failed morale and ran a bit… At that point Keira decided to throw in the towel and retreated from the battle.

Checking their injured afterwards… Both Finnegan’s Lizardman Warrior and Keira’s Elite archer died! The Human’s leader recovered poorly and ended up with a permanent reduction in Combat.

Finnegan’s warband brought in 40 gold, and Keira’s (claiming the underdog bonus) brought in 60… just enough to replace the Elite Archer she lost… except it won’t have the experience (and the bonus Combat ability the dead one had just gained!)

Exploration turned up little. Finnegan’s Lizards came across a caravan, but they traded even-steven and no one came out with a profit. Keira encountered a roadside shrine and offered a gold piece to the gods… but alas, her prayers went unanswered….

Despite the harsh losses Keira's been facing, I think everyone's been enjoying the Song of Deeds and Glory campaign system so far!

In other news…

We (Amanda and I, not the kids!) finished off watching Game of Thrones Season Three on Friday evening… now we have to wait a year for Season four to be on DVD…

I do have the Audiobook of A Clash of Kings out from the library that I’d started earlier in the week (while Amanda was away) but then stopped to finish up The HBO series. I didn’t get back to it last night either as Season One of True Blood showed up at the library for me… probably won’t get to listening to anymore of the Audiobook this week...

I may have to pick up Fear and Faith sometime soon…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The next round of the campaign – Amanda’s Elves will battle Finnegan’s Lizards and My Human Men-at-Arms will be battling Keira’s Wimyn Warriors. 


  1. Your gaming tables look fantastic!

  2. Two more great looking games, and the terrain is really awesome!
