Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Seventeen (Part One) - Decapitation Journey

This week our Soulbound role-playing game was cancelled, so we started playing the next journey for our Warhammer Quest campaign on Tuesday. This was handy as the next journey was a decapitation journey and those can be a bit long - so we played the first part - running through the city trying to escape the Suffocating Gravetide! 

This week Finnegan was playing Brutogg Corpse-Eater and Octren Glimscry. Amanda was playing Cleona Zietengale and Glaurio ven Alten III. 

Starting off, they encountered a group of Ulfenwatch... 

Octren stepped forward and absolutely destroyed the Banner Bearer... and did little else... 

They were quickly dealt with by the others, however, and the group moved on! 

and encountered a Kosargi Nightguard. 

Ogor on Ogor violence. 

Just everyone beating on the undead ogor, while the zombies in the next room slowly shuffle their way... 

Brutogg smashed a few and had a little snack.

He was joined by the others and the zombies were taken care of... 

But Glaurio, perhaps, lingered a bit too long... 

Things got worse when the next room was a small one and there were TWO Vykros Blood-Born vampires blocking the way - with the Suffocating Gravetide only a room behind! 

Brutogg bullied his way past them, stunning one, and made his way to the Corpse Rat Smorgasbord in the next room! 

Kind of down to the wire! The Vampire WERE dealt with and the Heroes escaped the suffocating gravetide just in time! 

The next two rooms offered up ANOTHER Vykros Blood-Born... and some more Ulfenwatch! 

The vampire was dealt with quickly.

Everyone caught up with Brutogg who was dealing with some Ulfenwatch! 

Last two rooms were inhabited by a swarm of bats and another Kosargi...

Brutogg gorged himself on bats... 

And then all prepared to fight one more undead ogor. 

Amanda got very excited and was demonstrating what she'd do with her staff... 

and Cleona moved up and... did something with her staff...? 

Brutogg got in there and smashed on the Kosargi Nightguard. 

And everyone safely made it to the end... NOT the Extraction Zone, though... they made it to the front door of Watch Captain Halgrim's Lair... 

Afterwards I set up the next stage of the Journey - where they confront Watch Captain Halgrim in his own lair... they must kill Halgrim and destroy all his Phylacteries! 

Everyone made it there with full health and they are all now inspired... but it is after dark - when Skeletons deal more damage... and Watch Captain Halgrim is always there and is mere presence make them ALL deal MORE damage... AND his activations often make the Skeletons move (and attack) 

There is also a Banner Bearer on the table that allows all Ulfenwatch to re-roll failed attack dice!! This could be BRUTAL!! 

I guess we'll find out tonight!!

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Sixteen - Scavenge Journey

Ooof! Getting a bit behind with these. We DID play Warhammer Quest last week! I just didn't get around to finishing up this report until this week. 

The week before, we missed a game because Finnegan was busy with school stuff... 

But LAST WEEK we were back at it playing another scavenge Journey in our Warhammer Quest: Cursed City campaign! 

Finnegan was playing Brutogg Corpse-Eater and Dagnai Holdenstock. Amanda was playing Glaurio ven Alten III and Qulathis the Exiled. Dagnai and Qulathis both needed experience to bring them up to Level Two - so that was part of this missions purpose. The other was go gain a BUNCH of Realmstone so they could tool up with some more weapon and armour enhancements! 

Dagnai Holdenstock started things off by tearing around the mansion and investigaing a mysterious object... but also brought himself dangerously close to both swarms of bats and a Vyrkos Blood-Born vampire! 

Ven Alten charged the bats from the opposite direction to take a bit of the pressure off Dagnai... 

And Brutogg positioned himself, hoping to draw the attention of the Vampire... he did not, but he DID get the attention of a group of Ulfenwatch! 

The vampire charged Dagnai. Qulathis came to his aid - and killed the Vampire! 

Freeing Dagnai to go running after treasure on his turn... I think his first attempt to explore this token triggered a Crisis

Once finished sorting the Crisis out, Dagnai returned to the Mansion next to Brutogg and had to wait until the next turn to explore the object. 

And then he was off to other rooms investigating other objects... 

... and then to other rooms, to investigate further objects! 

Meanwhile, Brutogg and Qulathis were dealing with a Corpse Rat infestation! 

And then a Kosargi Nightguard lumbered up to ruin their day... 

Dagnai just kept running and grabbing treasures and realmstone! 

If the Kosargi wasn't enough... a feral Vargskyr showed up as well... 

Amanda was getting cold so she went and got my Squig Mega Hoody!

Qulathis ducked out and Brutogg barged in and started swinging at the Vargskyr... 

Then he bashed his way through to where he could swing at both the Vargskyr AND the Kosargi Nightguard! 

And make space for Glaurio to enter the fray! 

and then some Ulfenwatch clambored in and it started to look like a mosh-pit!? 

The Varkskyr was taken out and the focused shifted to the undead Ogor. 

and then dealing with all the animated skeletons of the Ulfenwatch... 

and Dagnai kept running and collecting all the treasures and realmstone! 

Qulathis was assaulted by a pair of Vyrkos Blood-Born! 

Dagnai just kept collecting treasures... 

...and more treasures... 

... and MORE treasures... 

While everyone else kept the monsters busy! 

Qulathis ducked out and Glaurio ven Alten III blasted away at the Vyrkos Blood-Born... some of whom may have been distant (or not-so-distant!) relatives during their natural lives... 


Brutogg smashing more skeletons

After finishing off the Vampires, Glaurio tried to hold back another undead Ogor and some zombies so the rest could make their way to the extraction point! 

Everyone was safely there... but where was Dagnai!? 

(snatching up that last few treasures!_ 

Eventually they all made it to the extraction zone... 

The Adamant was signalled for and they made their escape!

The Adamant was slow to lift off, though and a number of Ulfenwatch scrambled aboard and there was a great fight to get them off... leaving most of the party so injured they'd have to start the next journey wounded (Extraction Event!) 

A lot of Realmstone was recovered and upgrades were purchased... I forget which ones... 

This week, they plan to take on Watch Captain Halgrim in the next Decapiation Journey! Stay tuned for that!