Monday, August 22, 2022

Warhammer Underworlds - Terrain!?

 Yes. Terrain. 

There were two sets of terrain made for Warhammer Underworlds. One for Nightvault and one for Beastgrave. The Ones for Nightvault very, definitely match blocked hex elements on the boards from that set. The ones for Beastgrave seem a little more... generic... 

I priced up both sets a while back. I think they were on sale...? Like, on the bargain rack at my FLGS...? Or... maybe it was just boxing day...? I figured I might try them out with Warhammer Underworlds - or, at the very least, they would make interesting scatter terrain. I seem to recall an article in White Dwarf where some of them were used as elements modelled on a Heroes base!? 

It was kind of funny, because when I'd mentioned I had picked them up to Amanda, she had said "WHY!?" The Hexes are MARKED as blocked!? Putting a bit of terrain there seemed totally unnecessary! Then last week (or maybe the week before, when I was playing Drepur's Wraithcreepers...) when I had a board with blocked hexes, she actually mentioned it might be nice if there were things there to remind us that they couldn't go through them (as she had been trying to figure out a route to get to a objective marker, but then realized as she started to move.

First two bits of the Beastgrave Terrain. The pool could probably be used as a Hazardous Hex Counter (if there were only one... otherwise it. might be confusing if ONE hazardous location was marked with a similar item that is marking Blocked Hexes elsewhere...? 

I also finished this little bit up. It's from one of the Reaper Bones kickstarters, but would work really well as a Blocked Hex Marker for Beastgrave! 

More Warhammer Underworlds coming up! My plan is to finish up Hrothgorn's Mantrappers before Wednesday and then PLAY with them on Wednesday... So, there should be a post of the newly painted miniatures and a game report coming up later in the week!