Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August Games

Bit busier on the blog this month... mostly because I decided to participate in RPGaDAY again this year... and painted a thing or two...

RPGaDay did get me thinking about Role-playing again and I've organize THREE new games to start this fall!? 

Thursday, 2 August 2022

Kurtis and Tania came over and played Stone Age! 

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Amanda and I finally got back to playing Warhammer Underworlds. There is a brief game report of the action here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven vs Drepur's Wraithcreepers

Monday, 15 August 2022

Our friends Ryan and Andy came over to try out Terraforming Mars. 

Andy took a beginner corporation and totally won the game (they start with 42 megacredits and just get to keep all ten projects cards without having to pay for them! AND we gave him to Prelude cards; Supply Drop and Supplier... that might have been a bit much... ah, well... all had fun!). He took the Gardener and Mayor Milestones and won the Landlord Award and ended the game with 89 points! 

Ryan, despite it being his first game ever and being a little overwhelmed, opted for a real corporation and played Interplanetary Cinematics! He took the Society Support and Mining Operations prelude cards and took 1st place for Thermalist and 2nd for Scientist, ending the game with 62 points! 

Amanda played Helion with Self-Sufficient Settlement and Io Research Outpost. She took Builder Milestone and 1st place for Scientist Award and 2nd place for Thermalist and ended the game with 69 points! Nice!

I played Point Luna with Ecological Experts and Metal Rich Asteroid and kind of floundered all game... I took 2nd place for Landlord and ended the game with 52 points... 

The board at the end of the game. Andy was Yellow, I was Red, Amanda was Blue and Ryan was Green. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

It seems like Wednesday is becoming our Warhammer Underworlds night - Warhammer Wednesdays! There is a brief report and a few more pictures here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven vs The Wurmspat

Wednesday, 24August 2022

Warhammer Wednesday!  

Having just finished up Hrothgorn's Mantrappers the day before, I thought I'd try them out against Amanda's Blade-Coven... I don't know, maybe the paint was a little too fresh or something... or maybe the MANtrappers were just out of their element against the all female wych-aelves... regardless, it was a SLAUGHTER. You can read all about it on the separate game report:

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgwarth's versus Hrothgorn's


Sunday, 28 August 2022

Wrath & Glory - Session 0.5 - I'm planning on running TWO Wrath & Glory campaigns this fall, but both of them are only going to be ONCE a MONTH! The hope is that, if everyone consults their schedules and calendars, and we agree on ONE NIGHT to play the game, everyone should show up and play the game! One will be online for friends not living in Saskatoon. The other will be an in-person game for locals! Effectively I will be running the same adventures for both groups - to save on prep time! 

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Warhammer Wednesday! 

We had hoped to play one more game of Warhammer underworlds on the 31st, but I just didn't get that next warband done in time... 

Mollog's Mob! Work-in-progress... 

Hopefully I'll have this finished up by Friday and we'll still get in a game this WEEK! 

What we've played so far this Quarter:

  • Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm x4
  • Stone Age x2
  • Terraforming Mars x2
  • Angola x1
  • Five Tribes x1
  • Kingdom Builder x1
  • Space Base x1
  • Wrath & Glory x1

Looking back at the suggested challenges for the rest of the year, and taking into consideration what I've ACTUALLY been playing... I think I might have to change up the remaining challenges for this year... might look something like this:

Q3 5x5 Challenge

  1. Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm - 4 
  2. Warhammer Underworlds: HarrowDeep - 0 
  3. Stone Age - 2
  4. Kill Team - 0
  5. Wrath & Glory - 1
Seems rather hopeful to think I might get in FIVE games of Kill Team or Wrath & Glory... I kind of thought with a new Kill Team box coming out might stir up some interest again..? But maybe I'm just dreaming... Things are already getting busy - Finnegan is starting university TOMORROW!? Might just swap one or both out for a quick and easy game... Like, Azul? 

Q4 5x5 Challenge?

  1. Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep
  2. Carcassonne 
  3. Wrath & Glory
  4. Kill Team
  5. Stone Age

10x10 Challenge

  1. Wingspan - 11
  2. Terraforming Mars - 10
  3. Five Tribes - 8
  4. Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm - 9
  5. Azul - 6
  6. Carcassonne - 5
  7. Stone Age - 2
  8. Wrath & Glory - 2
  9. Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep - 0
  10. Kill Team - 0

in addition to the 5x5 challenge games, we still need to play 2 games of Five Tribes and four games of Azul... 

I've dropped the GMT games and Hammer of the Scots. Desperately clinging to the idea that I WILL STILL get in some games of Kill Team before this year is out... AND that the two planned Wrath & Glory games will get going and stay going! 

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