Monday, August 22, 2022

RPGaDAY 2022 - Days 19-21


Day 19 - Why has your favourite game stayed with you?

I don’t know that I HAVE a favourite game that has “stayed with [me]”…? I get tired of systems and move the fuck on…

SETTINGS, on the other hand, have stayed with me and I’ve tried exploring settings that I’ve played before with different systems. I’ve played Cthulhu games (1920s and Modern) with at least three (maybe four or five..?) different game systems! Loving Wrath & Glory - it’s also the third or fourth system I’ve used for role-playing in the 41st Millennium! I damned near bought that new Twilight: 2000 game (totally new games system) because I have fond memories of playing the original back in the 80s.

Plenty of other settings I've thought of revisiting, but never with the original system. Often I discover a new system and, reading though it, I notice something in the mechanics and think, "Oooh! THIS would handle X so much better!" (Where X is some aspect of a setting that I thought was poorly handled with the previous system)

What’s brought me back to those SETTINGS…? Some of it might just be nostalgia... But, I like the idea of Cthulhu setting and Hellboy and "urban Fantasy" as there is the contrast of the Modern and relatable, with something otherworldly, fantastical, or arcane…? I think games like Twilight: 2000 or modern zombie apocalypse games are similar - the familiarity of the ruins of the world we lived in being ever present and all around and it’s kind of all mostly gone, it’s there but it’s not functioning anymore.

Day 20 - How long to your games last?

Like campaigns or individual sessions…?

Individual sessions 3-4 hours. 

Campaigns… never as long as I hoped when I started out! Usually a couple sessions to a few months. 

I love the idea of playing a forever campaign and having characters start off as peasants or acolytes or apprentices and seeing them grow and get mighty and carve out a kingdom by their own sword, or the Modern or Sci-Fi equivalent or whatever... but I just can't stay keep them going. 

As I’ve mentioned, I have some significant challenges with maintaining focus. What has often happened is I get a great new idea for a campaign, new characters are made, campaign is started, we play a few sessions… then someone misses a game… then a few people can’t make it and a game is cancelled at the last minute… then it happens again, and at that point I’ve lost it - whatever it was that kept my focus is gone and I’m on to new ideas and 

Ones I’ve PLAYED in have lasted longer, I guess…  

Day 21 - Setting Sunday - Share an intriguing detail from a game setting you enjoy

Totally drawing a blank here... I don't know. Moving on. 

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