Wednesday, August 17, 2022

RPGaDAY 2022 - Days 16-18


Day 16 - What would be your perfect game? 

Oh wow…

3-4 of my favourite humans being able to play through a complete campaign... Where everyone is actually committed to showing up on a regular basis…?

As many of my favourite humans don’t even live here anymore, I have fantasized about running a short campaign over long weekend When they could travel to Saskatoon. I’d run it over six marathon RPG sessions (Friday night, Saturday Morning, Afternoon and Evening, and Sunday Morning and Afternoon) interspersed with long meal breaks to catch up on non-game life things…

I’ve had some success with weekend miniature skirmish campaigns in the past. This would still have a heavy miniature component, but involve less people than those campaigns and be totally cooperative and involve, y’know, more role-playing…

Actually... I tried this once a few years back... 

Wrath and Glory Gaming Weekend

Things did not go great, for so many reasons... but LESSONS WERE LEARNED!! I know what I'd do differently.

I have SO MANY ideas of things I’d like to run for that… Either as a straight role-playing game - or a "RPG-lite" adapted miniature skirmish game (that would be co-op - i.e. all the players versus me, running all the antagonists), where the role-playing would be just discussions with how to proceed and those decisions would determine the next encounter that would generally be worked out with miniatures on the tabletop. I like the idea of using something like Savage Worlds for this - as it CAN be used as a miniature game AND a role-playing game (so there is a non-combat task resolution system built right in - though any other game I could ADD in some way of determining success for things that are NOT directly combat) 

Day 17 - Past, Present, Future? When is your favourite game set?

Things change...

Currently I am more interested in exploring modern or future settings… Games I’d be most interested in running are Wrath and Glory (future), Hellboy (modern) and maybe some FATE games - which would also be mostly modern/near-future settings…

Historically, looking at all the games I’ve played and run and enjoyed the most, I think it would be Modern +/-100 Years… Almost ALL of the games I’ve truly loved the most over the years would fit in that range (though, now that I think about it that might have to expand to +/-125 years!? Because the Great War is OVER 100 years ago, now!).

Some of those games/settings in that range include: 20s Cthulhu settings, Gangbusters, Weird War One and Weird War Two, Pulp Adventure, straight up, historical World War Two (played a bit of Behind Enemy Lines back in the 80s with a friend!), Revised Recon, Tour of Darkness, Top Secret, James Bond 007, Cthulhu Now, Hellboy, Twilight: 2000, GURPS: Horror/Cabal/Special Ops/Supers, Cyberpunk/Shadowrun, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Road Warriors/After the Bomb, Tales from the Loop, Near future/Hard SF - those games and settings (often using Savage Worlds, or, more recently, FATE) have made up my most memorable and loved games.

(I guess if I expanded that to Modern +/-150 years, I could catch Space: 1889 in there too!)

I have to admit, I am so very, VERY dreadfully bored of standard medieval fantasy role-playing… but it seems like it is the ONLY thing so many people are willing or interested to run or play…. The absolute BONKERS thing is I'm actually talking with two different groups about joining two separate standard medieval fantasy role-playing campaigns (one D&D5E, one Pathfinder)!? Both would be one game a month... but, Ughhhhh... It's either play in fantasy games... or don't play at all...!? What do you do!? 

I might play the D&D5E and not end up joining the Pathfinder game. the 5E game would be run by my son Finnegan who has become a really, REALLY good Game Master. (and I'd kind of like to LEARN D&D5E - because the new Hellboy game is based on it!!) 

Day 18 - Where is your favourite place to play?

My place. It’s where all my stuff is at. I mean, who wouldn't want to play in THE GAME ROOM!? 

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