Monday, October 14, 2019

Battle for the Bronze Gates

Even though the Necromunda Game Weekend hadn't gone exactly as planned, on Sunday afternoon I did challenge Finnegan's Average Joes Genestealer Cult for control of the Bronze Gates - the toll crossing that gives it's name to the entire region. I let Finnegan pick the scenario and he chose Zone Mortalis Scenario 2: The Trap. I'm not sure who was trapping whom...

Gang selection was Custom(10), meaning you could use up two ten members of your gang... unfortunately my gang was down to SIX active members (two were still in the gang, but recovering from injuries...).

Before getting started, I DID petition the house for aid, and got a House Trainer - which gave a number of gangers some extra experience. Finnegan also petitioned the cult for aid and got another cultist... Normally it would be a Juve, but the Genestealer cult doesn't have "juves" so when they get a free dude it's a Neophyte Cultist - the equivalent of a ganger!

Finnegan had eight he could use for this game.

The battleground was set up a sort of a crossroads, and all of the Genestealer Cultists were set up in the middle of it. (There was a chance some could have been set up elsewhere after I'd set up mine... but they weren't... they were all in the middle.

Usually when attacking an enemy in a prepared position, you want to go in with MORE than what they have... but that's not how the One-Eyed Red Snakes roll!

Oraculum and Neo86753 set up approaching the crossroads from the north - crossing a precipitous walkway...

Artifex led Rutabulum and Rotis on an assault from the southwest.

Mus was sneaking up from the southeast all on his own.

Uh-oh... Genestealer Cultists went first opened the door to the north, catching Oraculum and Neo86753 exposed on the walkway!

Luckily both were only pinned - even more luckily, neither fell off the walkway into the dark abyss below!

The fluff for the scenario read like the attacker (me) was springing a trap on the defenders... it was quickly starting to feel like it was maybe the other way around...

Oraculum sprang up and ran for cover before any of the other cultists could fire on them, leaving  Neo86753 alone on the walkway.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the crossroads, things were not going well for Artifex and the rest of the gang...

The Aberrant then charged in and smashed Artifex with his Power Hammer - taking him out of action.

Rotis was pinned by fire from other cultists, so the Aberrant moved on at attacked Rutabulum and took him down with one mighty swing of his hammer...

After that he chased down Mus and did the same. The Gang pretty much scarpered at that point...

Luckily Artifex was only knockout cold and was actually able to perform a post-game activity - which was really handy because Rutabulum received a critical injury and had to be taken to a Rogue Doc... Mus was just plain dead ("memorable death" - that Aberrant got 5XP just from taking guys out this game - plus another for being there!).

The Rogue Doc wanted 80 credits for her services - every credit the gang had... there was a brief moment where I considered not paying and letting Rutabulum go... but then paid it and, thankfully, he DIDN'T suffer any complications and DIE, but he will be in recovery next game and has a permanent hadn't injury (-1 WS).

I lost MORE Reputation, dropping to -2.. my Settlement did supply a new Juve for the gang (Neo65395) but I had exactly ZERO credits with which to kit him out...

Finnegan's Gang - the Average Joes - brought in 120 credits - got ANOTHER bonus ganger from his settlement (again, because Genestealer Cultists don't have "juves"...) AND they took control of the Bronze Gates!

Things are not going awesome for the One-Eyed Red Snakes.

This is probably why I'm better off Arbitrating these things and running big narrative games for OTHER people that can actually roll dice and play games and stuff...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

ANOTHER necromunda Game Report!


  1. After a high,comes a low, I'll stop saying it can't get worse as clearly it can!
    Best Iain

    1. HA! Yeah... I try to take it all in stride. It's just a game, and all that. But it's super frustrating when it feels like it happens ALL. THE. TIME!
