Friday, February 24, 2012

Dark Age DBA Kick Off

As per tradition we’ve started our campaign weekend with a big battle to allow people to try out some of the armies we’ll be playing with tomorrow. We WEREN’T necessarily playing with the armies we’ll be playing with tomorrow – as some of the players couldn’t make it, we’ll be working that out in the morning.

As there was five plus me I actually played – taking the Norse Irish. On my side were John with the Normans and Rick with the Anglo-Danish. Opposing us were Terry with the Scots, and Jackson and Gary who both played Vikings.


The Game was fast and furious

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Our opponents Jackson, Terry and (part of) Gary

Finnegan came down to observe and help out with dice-rolling.

By the second bound John’s Normans and Terry’s Scots were going at it. Rick had determined the river to be paltry and really just for show (it is pretty, though, no?) so everyone galloped across!

Going down one end of his line, John’s General destroyed his opponents and surged forward… the rest… didn’t do so good, losing a knight on one end…

…and another down the other end of his line.

The aftermath of Johan and Terry’s battle. Rick’s English and Gary’s Norse can be seen beyond, just out of contact..

On the following bound Terry turned in against the Norman General element…

…and destroyed them!

Things went poorly for me as well…

Losing a my General…

…and some blade…

…and some Auxilia…

Well… two commands demoralized at the end of turn three… wow…

Gary and Rick fought on for another turn… “just to see”…

And that was that…

The Campaign proper kicks off at 9AM tomorrow! Stay tuned for the reports of those shenanigans after the dust settles in a day or two…


  1. A great looking game and some very good photos!!

  2. I'm looking forward to hearing about the campaign.

  3. Looking great, Tim! Stormed in here :( Will be watching from afar to see your wargame weekend unfold.

  4. Great photos. I will be watching the campaign with interest.
