The MapIn the south the army of the Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness Finally having subdued the Isle of Anasterele sailed across to Dyladele. They had less trouble with this crossing but were unable to subdue the Island before the chill of winter forced them to return to their warm southern homes…
The Armies of Ronarok held in their newly captured stronghold of Wienglenn content to loot and pillage therein for the balance of the year.
The Dwarves retired to their capitol of Ghillebrae, expecting that the Ronarokings would come. But they did not.
The Army of Valishog retired to their capitol of Brashog for one final stand against the elves which pursued hot on their heels…
The Battle of Brasog
(Remember; click on the pics to see a bigger version)

The Elves advance towards the fortress of Brashog.

And advance….

…and advance…

Finally close enough for shooting the elves darken the skies above the orcish line.

Vladimead and his bodyguard are driven back, the unit of archers annihilated…

The lines clash!

The Orc heavy infantry is driven back!

Then things started to go south for the Elves…. Vladimead returned to the battle and wiped out a unot of Elvish archers and the Orc General’s unit destroyed the Elvish infantry to their front!

The the elite Elvish outriders – distinguished so many times in this campaign - made a desperate bid to capture the orcs stronghold behind them.

…and were never heard from again…

Orcs were thrown back in the main line and the battle became a confused melee

Expliting the hole in the center Vladimead and the orc general poured into the game and turned the exposed flanks of the Elves

It worked out for Vadimead and his guard. They destroyed another unit of Archers.
Not so much for the Orc General – his host was driven back and destroyed in the confusion… not that it mattered much the wearied Elves were obliged to retire and begin their long march back to the sea and their home…
…and that’s it! We’re calling it quits! Just about everyone seems sick of the campaign (including me) so now is as good a place as any to stop…. I would have liked it if the Elves could have wiped out the orcs to have SOME sort of conclusion in terms of the narrative (sorry Vlad)… but it just weren’t in the dice, so to speak.
I think that’s it for email campaigns on the whole. It was fun for a bit… then it dragged… people started losing interest… I had to hassle people to get them to send in movement orders… There were some problems with the rules… meh….
I had thought I’d compile all the diplomatic messages that went back and forth and post them, but that seems like it’d be more work than I care to do at the moment… maybe over the holidaze.
On the bright side, for a good chunk of the fall I had a few guys showing up regularly enough to play these battles that I got to thinking I might just run a campaign on Tuesday evenings involving them in the New Year.
I am also still pretty stoked about the
Dark Ages DBA Campaign in February (though the date my yet change and be the first weekend in March…) and running a second HOTT Summer Campaign in June. Stay tuned for more info about those in the coming weeks.
Country: Tria Nomina (Vassal of the Ilferien)
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: Aculeo Bibaculus Mediocrito, Imperator of Tria Nomina
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Praenomen
Other Cities: Nomen, Agnomen
Location of Field Army: Praenomen
Prestige Points: 11
Army Size: 24AP
Country: The Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness
Race: Mixed – WOMEN!!
Head(s) of State: Myrah the Mighty, Chairperson of the Council of Empowerment of the Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness.
Commander of the Field Army: General Libby
Capitol: Thatcherton
Other Cities: Bhutto, Beauvoir, Otisburg, Marrow, Crudd, Anasterele
Location of Field Army: Anasterele
Prestige Points: 24
Army Size: 12AP
Country: The Ilferien
Race: Ilferien (Elves)
Head(s) of State: Consul Rhalasa
Commander of the Field Army: Consul Sundiasen
Capitol: Melitele
Other Cities: Wynstrele, Dyladele, Cognomen,
Location of Field Army: Dolj
Prestige Points: 16
Army Size: 8AP
Country: Toctland (Vassal of The Ilferien)
Race: Dwarves
Head(s) of State: King Malaius MacDoogleg
Commander of the Field Army: General Gilgidi MacAuslin
Capitol: Ghillebrae
Other Cities: Toctglenn, Dolj
Location of Field Army: Toctglenn
Prestige Points: 2
Army Size: 10AP
Country: Ronarok
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: King Claudius Hrosskellsen
Commander of the Field Army: Jarl Thorvald Skardsen
Capitol: Ludharn
Other Cities: Skohln, Marhan, Weinglenn,
Location of Field Army: Weinglenn
Prestige Points: 14
Army Size: 22AP
Country: Transil-Valishog-Atania
Race: Orcs
Head(s) of State: Vladimeag Votostogish (Vlad the Kinslayer)
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Brasog
Other Cities: Gorj,
Location of Field Army: Retiring to Brasog
Prestige Points: 12
Army Size: 8AP
Country: Grummsh
Race: Orcs
Head of State: Bolg Skullcrusher
Other Cities:
Location of Field Army: Disbanded
Prestige Points: 8
Army Size: Disbanded