Monday, September 23, 2013

Killer Robots, Tech Priest and a Tank!?

Back to 28mm for a moment…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

I finished up a few “Killer Robot” types for giggles… mostly be cause they were quick and easy and had been sitting on the workbench for an embarrassingly long time. One is a Necron from Games Workshop (© and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission) and the rest are old Coppelstone/Grenadier/Future Wars figures from EM4 Miniatures.

Tech priest from Games Workshop (© and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission)

A die-cast T-55 that I picked up off ebay and I repainted just in time for my Force on Force game at ToonCon

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have no idea… I’m a bit gamed out after the weekend. Also the box I used to farry the Force on force miniatures had a bit of a spill when it got home and all the minis went scurrying all over the floor. I kind of just scooped them back inot the box and haven’t had the hear to look at them yet. So I have some cleaning up ahead of me… and probably some repairing and painting touch-ups…. I have two book clubs this week that I need to finish books for so not much in the way of hobby stuff might be happening. 


  1. Nice painting! The T-55 really looks intimidating.

    1. Thanks! It doesn't look nearly as intimidating next to the BTR-60s I have as they are of a bigger scale... it looks a little diminutive, in fact... but as long as I keep them far enough apart hopefully the tanks will seem menacing enough!

  2. Cool looking figs, Tim. I'm working on a Techmarine myself right now - love your Techpriest!

    1. Thanks Dean! I have seen your Techmarine - he is AMAZING!

  3. Great stuff all round - especially the T-55 ;)
