Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Grey Knights Kill Team

I know what you're thinking... "WTF, Tim!? ANOTHER Kill Team!? GREY KNIGHTS!? Where did these even come from!?"

Well, funny story about that...

A couple weekends ago there was a Bitz Swap organized by the local league at our FLGS and I went out to it... It was a little overwhelming. One dude had a 50L tub of random bitz people were sorting through. Others had stuff organized into baggies with prices on them, but there was just too much to look through. I did have a look at a few things and bought a couple bags of random imperial bitz, a huge bag full of Orky bitz (mostly arms, heads and shootas), a Marine with a heavy bolter... and then I found this bag full of what looked like older metal marines. There was eight or ten of them in there and the price on the bag was $5. I asked the fellow if it was $5  each of for the whole bag. He said for the whole bag - no one wants that metal 'junk' anymore... Well I wasn't going to pass up a bag o' ten metal marines - whatever they were - could have been chaos, for all I knew (which actually would have been really cool too).

When I got home and had a better look at things, it turned out it was a whole bag of Grey Knights!? Nine of them! Two had the arm bolters and power halberd-thingies and the rest had flamer-like-things! Boom! Instant Kill Team.

Upon reading up on them, I realized I could only use two of the Incinerators. But, with two of those and the two other regular guys (if anything about Grey Knights can be described as "regular") I had 80 points! If I could find one more regular dude I'd have a five-man kill team at 98-99 points.

So I had a look at Ebay to see if I could find another Grey Knight of this vintage for a not-too-unreasonable price and, not only did I find a metal Grey Knight, I found a metal Grey Knight Justicar! So now I have a leader on the way from The Troll Trader and once he's done I'll have a complete Great Knight Kill Team at 99 points...

Grey Knight Kill Team

Now... GW gives their Marines classic fancy-schmancy names - inspired by Greek or Roman names.. like Gideon or Marius or Erasmus or Valdar... I got it in my head to go with... more common names...

Brother Blake with Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Halberd

Brother Trevor with Incinerator

Brother Curtis with Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Halberd

Brother Scott with Incinerator

I was trying to think of names for these and got thinking about the name Gideon (as one of the terminators from Space Hulk is names Sergeant Gideon) and that got me thinking of Gideon Graves - one of the characters from Scott Pilgrim... so the first one I named was Scott... I could have names them all after Characters from Scott Pilgrim, but then  Neville Longbottoms toad Trevor popped into my head... I can't remember what lead me to think of the other names...

I think the Justicar will be named Jeff.

I still have FIVE more of these old metal Grey Knights with Incinerators... I have no use for them as I can only use two in a Kill Team... having more than one Kill Team of Grey Knights would be silly... and I'm NOT going to ever expand this force into a full 40K detachment... So if anyone needs one (or two?) I'd be happy to trade them for... some other older metal 40K minis?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Not sure... I have some epic titans on workbench, of all things, but I'm losing steam on those (as I'm probably not going to be playing with them any time soon). Maybe I'll get on with some Rogue Trader minis...? Mice & Mystics...? maybe the Justicar will show up and I'll get that finished off!


  1. Brother Trevor is my favourite! It's a good thing some people don't like the old metal junk! Lovely work on these and I look forward to the final brother,hail Jeff!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      I know, so weird. People want so much for the old models on eBay - there must be some demand for them! Or maybe there really isn't that many that are interested in them and all the people selling them on eBay know that those of us that do still like the old metal are idiots...?

      Can there be a name as unpretentious as Trevor...?

      It's JUSTICAR Jeff - and don't you forget it! Ha!

  2. I'd say Jeff is more unpretentious than Trevor, but Trevor is not a common name in the US. :P

    Nice acquisition! I'm another weirdo who does like the old metal junk. ha ha
    Great paint job, too! I like how you did the force blades on the halberds, and I admire your ability to paint things like those should pad images.

    I myself have something on the painting desk that has a lot of metallic parts showing. :)

    1. Thanks! While I was looking at pictures to see how others painted Grey Knights I came across an example of a power sword that was painted in much the same fashion as the way I've painted the halberd blades. I thought it looked not to bad and looked like something I could actually do, so I copied it. I'm pretty pleased with the results.

  3. Love them! And the names are great, especially Trevor. In Australia, pretentious is about the last possible word you'd use to describe Trevor!

  4. Wrath and Glory is on Drive thru RPG in PDF form for 20 bucks (I believe that's USD) Unless you are waiting for the bundle they had on the publisher's site.

    1. Thanks! I'm waiting on a physical copy showing up at the Den.

  5. On second thought, I think I am going to keep four of the Grey Knights with Incinerators. I was looking through the Index: Imperium 1 and the Grey Knights have a unit called a Purgation Squad - a Justicar with a Nemesis force weapon and a Storm Bolter and, conveniently, FOUR Grey Knights with Incinerators (well, actually they could choose any weapon from the Grey Knight Special Weapon List... but I just happen to have Incinerators!). I'd need a second Justicar...

    The Kill Team above would need one more guy with a melee weapon and a Storm Bolter and then it could be fielded as a Strike Squad.

    I'd just need an HQ option and then I could field these all as a Patrol Detachment. The HQ element could be a Brotherhood Champion - which could be used as a Commander in Kill Team. No, I'm not going to build an entire Grey Knight army... but a patrol detachment to bolster the Astra Militarum when facing some demonic threat - or to as part of a Ordo Malleus Inquisitors retinue...

  6. Great job Tim. I love those stories of “junk” turning into great stuff.

  7. "old metal junk" indeed! I have a squad of these fellows around somewhere from the era when they could be added to your Space marine or Guard armies in single squads. I honestly like them better than the plastic versions that came later.

    1. Cheers!

      They still can be added to a Guard army either as a "Patrol Detachment" with as little as an HQ and one Troop element - so a Brotherhood Champion and a 5-man Strike Squad....? If you're trying to be all "Battle-forgey"...

      If you're not worried about a "battle-forged: force, you can add whatever you want to whatever you want!? I mean, I thought the whole idea of Open Play and Narrative play was "Do Whatever the Fü¢k you Want!" The data cards are meer "guidelines"... and such...?

    2. Yes, that is true! (although I have never played 8th edition). I think I actually have an HQ and troop element in the shape of a terminator and the aforementioned squad, so it could still work out.
