Friday, November 16, 2018


...or some sort of generic 40K Imperial Guard...

I finished off the last of the old-school metal radians I have this week. Well... ALMOST all of them... there is still a standard bearer who is going to need some extra work and an artillery officer... But in terms of the sharp-end infantry grunts... well, THEY are all finished!!

The new (and yet, not-so-new) guys.

These are all older metal Cadians from Games Workshop. I picked them up off eBay not so long ago - along with a few of the others I've already painted. A couple I picked up from my friend Paul when he was offloading them a few years ago. Some of the others, however, are some of the oldest GW figures I own - the "Rogue Trader Era" ones. I striped and repainted them in the last few years to use as "veterans".

The Entire Force!

(I'm not going to say "so far" because I really have no desire to add any more to this. I already have THREE OTHER Imperial guard forces - Tallarn, Guaiacan/Catachan, and Valhallan - I really don't need a fourth! Of course, I probably didn't really "need" a second or third...)

Unfortunately I seem to have acquired enough for three squads, two regular infantry squads, one veteran squad... and THREE COMMAND SQUADS!?  This seems like it's a nucleus for an entire company - with a company command and two platoon commands! The intention here was not to use these as a force for 40K, but rather as a force for Kill Team (or other smaller scale SF skirmish games?) or with Wrath & Glory (if it ever comes out!?)

The force is actually not a bad size for Kill Team - loads of infantry with a few options for special weapons... The only thing I might add (if I were to use them for Kill Team is a couple snipers)

Here are the individual squads...

Command Squad #1 - The Company Commander (and a casualty and a commissar and... an extra dude...?)

Command Squad #2 - Platoon Commander

Command Squad #3 - Another Platoon Commander

Veteran Squad (half of these I've had for over 25 years! though they were repainted more recently)

Infantry Squad #1

Infantry Squad #2

Assorted vehicle crew - despite the fact that I have no vehicles for this force and have no intention of acquiring any... perhaps these need to be repurposed as Tallarn crew...

Coming soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

Well it is Friday and we've been trying to play Kill Team on Fridays... Finnegan seems in a better spirits today - Maybe we'll get some games in this evening and I'll be able to post reports of those actions over the weekend....?

I do have the standard Bearer and Artillery Officer on the workbench with an assortment of other 40K characters - mostly Imperial-types. Terrain bits are lurking nearby...


  1. My heart goes all mushy at the sight of such historic metal goodness.

    1. Thanks Phil! They do bring back some memories... although when I think of "historic metal goodness" I tend to think "Not Sci-fi/Fantasy"... but I know what you mean!

  2. Great looking troops, Phil. Details and basing are excellent.

  3. Wow, great to see some rogue trader era lead in there. Plus I think some of the pre-cadian cadians perhaps?

    1. Yeah, some of those are just generic Imperial Guard - I think some may have initially been sold as Imperial ARMY...?

  4. Nice work!

    I think it's not always easy to make that much green look good and not too boring/monotone. But I do like some figures in mostly green - I've always preferred it for figures such as wood elves, rangers, and other types (cliche as it may be in some cases).

    1. Thanks!

      I almost always paint elves and rangers in greens, though I try to mix in a bit of earth tones too - browns, khakis, Greys.

      With these I used two different greens - one for armour and equipment and one for the weapons. I figured two would give a bit of variety - but not too much...?

      As I was painting this last batch there were a few times I wished I'd gone with a different scheme - maybe a crazy colourful "camouflage", but I'd already painted most of them this way... and I wasn't ready to repaint that many...

  5. Nice looking Imperial Guard/Cadian types, more universal than your jungle/desert/ice world forces so maybe filling a gap? Of course why would you need a fourth IG army but then again why did you need a second/third?! Lovely work all round I do like the commissar!
    Best Iain
