Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (and Warcry Warbands!)

 My first newly painted miniature in... almost 5 months...? I think the last were some Grey Knights and Obliterators

(I apologize in advance for the quality of these photos... it's been a while... I was in a rush and just wanted to get these DONE and on to other things this afternoon...) 

Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne. 

Not his best angle... but I didn't have any terrain on hand to droop in as a background... so you get this odd, from-above angle, that just looks terrible... but here he it is, proof that I haven't totally given up on the hobby and returned to painting! 

The Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne, joins a small, but mean, force of Daemons of Khorne. I guess it could serve as a leader. Or perhaps lieutenant to Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance? Karanack is definitely higher on the totem pole of Khorne Daemons.... But, I'm not entirely sure Karanak is much of a leader...? It's kind of got its own thing going on; Hunting down those unlucky enough to be chosen by its master to be marked for death? Perhaps Karanak will do its own thing, along with its massive pack of Flesh Hounds, and the Bloodmaster can lead the rest... which, for now is just a pack of ten bloodletters...

For now this is about 630 points of troops in Age of Sigmar - which is loads for a skirmish (which seems to be about 250 points) but not quite enough for a Meeting Engagement (1000 points) much less a Pitched Battle (2000 points). I do have three Bloodcrushers to finish up, which would bring thr total to about 750. 

Also useable in Warhammer 40k, this amounts to a, rather LARGE, Combat Patrol of 22 Power - good for starting a narrative campaign in the New 40K.

For the time being, however, I was mainly interested in getting a few warbands ready to play Warcry! 

Daemons of Khorne Warband for Warcry. 

Here the Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne, is the absolute ruler of the Daemons of Khrone Warband. With is are nine Bloodletters and a Flesh Hound, for a total of 990 points (warbands can be up to 1000). I could have used the Bloodreaper (the regular leader of a unit of Bloodletters)... but I had the Bloodmaster, so I went with that.

When i finish up the Bloodcrushers, they could be used. I could mix up the number of Bloodletters and Flesh Hounds. Flesh Hounds are over double the points, per model, though, so it would be a much smaller warband with more of those. 

Karanack can not be used in Warcry. 

Daemons of Slaanesh Warband for Warcry.

I've also cobbled together a warband of Slaanesh Daemons to use in Warcry. This one consists of an Allurer, nine Daemonettes, and a Seeker. I think it comes to 950 ponts? 

Finally, I've embarked on a bit of a rebasing project involving a PILE of old metal Skaven models that a friend passed on to me some time ago. I'd stripped and repainted a bunch five years ago, with the intention of using them in Song of Blades and Heroes - and maybe building it up to a force for Dragon Rampant... but they have been used in neither.

When I picked up Warcry, they were one of the first groups of models I considered fur using in the game... and for no real good reason... I decided rebasing was necessary... 

All the Skaven so far!

I haven't actually organized them into a warband just yet. I think there may be enough for two? I still have a pile of them to paint (or RE-paint) and will probably end up with a useable Age of Sigmar army (of about 1300 points!) 

An assortment of models that could be used as leaders. I'm not 100% sure what there WERE back in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, The one in front could be a Clawlord. The one with Horns I might call a Grey Seer. The one with a gas mask I figured could be a Plague Priest. maybe the one with a musket could be a Warlock Engineer...? 

In a Warcry Warband there can only be ONE leader. I'll probably go with the Grey Seer or the Clawlord. Or maybe I'll build a warband around each?

Also on a larger base, but not an leader

Storm Vermin! Looking back at older Citadel Miniatures Catalogue, most of these were listed as Clan Rats... but I think that might have been before there even WERE Storm Vermin. Basically all the ones with better armour and helmets, I called those Storm Vermin. 

I have a few more of these to fill out a unit of 10 for Age of Sigmar.

Clan Rats! The rank and file Skaven without helmets are going to be used as Clan Rats. 

I have a few more of these, as well - enough to fill out a unit of 20 (or maybe more!?) 

Gutter Runners - need to finish up one more for a unit of five in Age of Sigmar. 

I know this one would have been a Skaven Slave in Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I'll call it a solitary Night Runner for Warcry - as they're the only ones that have any missile weapons... and it doesn't look nearly badass enough to call a Gutter Runner. 

Plague Monks - the one with the scroll would be a Keeper of the World - the leader of a Plage Monk unit in Age of Sigmar - which is also ANOTHER leader option in Warcry. 

Packmaster and eleven Giant Rats! 

That's all for now. I had hoped to get in a GAME of Warcry this evening... We shall see... It might still happen. If it does, I will (hopefully) post a game report in the next few days. 

Painting-wise, I have a few Warhammer Underworlds gangs to paint up for a friend (and one for MYSELF), that I think I will try and get done next. 


  1. Great to see you back painting your miniatures again Tim! I am sure your brushes missed you!

  2. Don't underestimate 10 letters, they could spell DEATH! What did you play for Warhammer Fantasy back in the day?

    1. I think my very first army was Orcs.... but it was all Ral Partha miniaturs (as that was all that was readily available in Saskatoon in 1987!?). I may not have actually ever played any games with them...

      The next army was Empire - which was made up of Late Medieval/Wars of the Roses models, sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry and originally released by Citadel Miniatures (and RAFM, under license). It saw a bit of action, but then I sold them to my friend Cory.

      These were for 3rd edition - before the first Warhammer Armies was released... We just made shit up based on generic stats in the book and the point calculator.

      The next one was Bretonnian - which was the first to have some actual (at the time) current Citadel miniatures - although there were some Wargames Foundry Miniatures as well, because a number of the Bretonnians sculpted by the Perrys were simultaneously released by the Foundry as their Early Medieval/Barons War line (still available) - and some of which are currently part of a Dragon Rampant army!

      The Bretonnians, under Duc Phillipe du Lapin, saw a fair bit of action - against skavens and undead and probably some orcs, possibly even some elves...? I tried running a couple of campaigns - one using a system of my own, a later one using the first edition of Mighty Empires. But the rules then weren't nearly so tight and there were always rule lawyers that would find and abuse loopholes that just KILLEd it for me.

      That was about 30 years ago. I haven't played Warhammer fantasy since. (Other than Mordheim)

      I have since picked up a few citadel miniatures, here and there, just to use with other fantasy games - and, briefly, to play Mordhiem (about 15-20 years ago!?)
