Friday, January 1, 2021

Looking Back at 2020

I actually feel like Adam Sandler in Big Daddy - I kind of just want to cover up the awful puddle in the corner of the room that was 2020 with a handful of newspapers and just kind of ignore it. Let's just pretend that never happened. What happened in 2020, stays in 2020... that sort of thing. 

It's been a rough year - for me, for everyone - it's been a rough year for gaming and hobby stuff - with the pandemic and the upheaval of the never-ending-basement-renovation and... other... existential-crisis-inducing events....

I haven't even painted any miniatures or built any terrain or even played any miniature games!? On the flipside, I have been doing some OTHER PAINTING.


Even in more stable times, without a clear plan, I get NOTHING done. Well, that isn't totally true. I am ALWAYS busy and on the move and doing things. I get things done. It's just without a clear plan that I can focus on and follow, my activity is rather scattershot and energy ends up spread too thin to be noticed as having accomplished anything - so I've tried to have big GAME PLANS for more than a few years... Sometimes they were followed. Sometimes they were abandoned. Sometimes they were modified - or entirely replaced - part way through. This year I tried to go with Quarterly Plans - to keep things more flexible and requiring focus over a more reasonably attainable period of time. 

You can find the plans here: 

Game Plan 2020 - Q1 Plans

Game Plan 2020 - Q2 Plans

Game Plan 2020 - Q3 Plans

Game Plan 2020 - Q4 Plans

I liked the felxibility of Quarterly plans. Events kind of wrecked some of those plans. The overall instability of the year made it hard to even any MAKE plans at all - even just for a few months - for most of the year. But I think it worked better than and annual plan and, being the perpetual optimist, I will continue with this. (Game Plan 2021 - Q1 - Coming soon!)


What DID I play all year...? Well, according to Board Game Geek (where I log all of my game plays), I played the following:

  • Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress x23
  • Terraforming Mars x19
  • Wrath & Glory x18
  • Azul x12
  • Carcassonne x11
  • Warhammer 40,000 (Eighth Edition) x8
  • Warhammer 40,000 (Ninth Edition) x8
  • Fate Accelerated x6
  • Splendor x6
  • Viticulture Essential Edition x6 (3x with Tuscany!)
  • The Castles of Burgundy x5
  • Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains x5
  • Hellboy: The Board Game x5
  • Necromunda x5
  • Century: Golem Edition x4
  • Four Against Darkness x4
  • 7 Wonders Duel x3
  • The Big Bang Theory: The Party Game x3
  • Monarch x3
  • Patchwork x3
  • Sidereal Confluence: Remastered Edition x3
  • Abyss x2
  • Betrayal at Baldur's Gate x2
  • Century: A New World x2
  • Codenames: Pictures x2
  • Dogs x2
  • The Hanging Gardens x2
  • Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America x2
  • Railways of North America x2
  • Retro Loonacy x2
  • Battlefleet Gothic x1
  • Blend Off! x1
  • Castle x1
  • Century: Spice Road x1
  • Dominion x1
  • Dominion: Intrigue x1
  • Fauna x1
  • Firefly Fluxx x1
  • Ingenious x1
  • Kingdomino x1
  • Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game x1
  • London x1
  • Machi Koro x1
  • Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game x1
  • Peptide: A Protein Building Game x1
  • Power Grid x1
  • Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game x1
  • Star Trek: Five-Year Mission x1
  • Virulence: An Infectious Card Game x1
  • Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team x1

215 games...? Did I add that up right..?! 


I guess at the beginning of the Pandemic Shutdowns Amanda and I DID play a LOT of games - like almost every day for a month...? Or maybe more...? Wasn't much else to do!?  

MINIATURES (and Other Hobby Stuff) 

I did manage to get quite a bit done in the first half of the year.... less so for the last few months...  

You can also see this same info - with links to the posts where I shared pics of the stuff painted on a separate page: 

2020 Painted Versus Purchased


Organized, roughly, by scale and type and when I painted it. 

28mm Foot


  • 5x Khorne Flesh Hounds
  • 10x Khorne Bloodletters
  • 10x Slaanesh Daemonettes
  • 20x Nurgle Plague Marines
  • 2x Daemon Hedgehogs
  • 1x Chaos Sorcerer
  • 1x Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
  • 2x Chaos Space Marines
  • 1x Inquisitor
  • 4x Imperial Fist Space Marine Scouts
  • 1x Tangermarine Space Marine Scouts
  • 1x Imperial Guard Commissar
  • 1x Daemonhost
  • 12x Blackstone Fortress Characters 
  • 4x Blackstone Fortress Spindle Drones
  • 4x Blackstone Fortress Beastmen
  • 14x Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard
  • 3x Blackstone Fortress Chaos Space Marines
  • 4x Rogue Trader Glitchlings
  • 4x Space Millipedes 
  • 4x Necromunda Scavvies 
  • 11x Necromunda Plague Zombies
  • 1x Necromunda Giant Greenback Spider
  • 1x Hellboy Frog Creature
  • 1x Servoskull
  • 1x Hive Scum
  • 1x Ratling Bounty Hunter


  • 1x Amazon Hoplite
  • 25x Imperial Guard
  • 1x Penitent (for Blackstone Fortress)
  • 8x Traitor Guard (Blackstone Fortress: Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Nega-Volt Cultists (Blackstone Fortress: Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Chaos Beastmen (Blackstone Fortress: Servants of the Abyss)
  • 1x Chaos Space Marine (Blackstone Fortress: Servants of the Abyss)
  • 1x Rogue Psyker (Blackstone Fortress: Servants of the Abyss)
  • 1x Traitor Commissar (Blackstone Fortress: Traitor Command)
  • 1x Chaos Ogryn (Blackstone Fortress: Traitor Command)
  • 2x Ogryn Retinue Characters (Brogan Brothers) for Blackstone Fortress
  • 1x Ogryn Pit Fighter for Necromunda
  • 1x Gellerpox Infected for Kill Team Rogue Trader
  • 1x Eversor Assassin
  • 1x Vindicare Assassin
  • 1x Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn
  • 1x Inquisitor in Terminator Armour
  • 1x Death Watch - Watch Master
  • 1x Death Watch Space Marine
  • 1x Grey Knight Brother
  • 1x Genestealer Patriarch
  • 3x Grey Knights
  • 1x Grey Knight Terminator
  • 2x Imperial Fists Scouts
  • 1x Master of Possession
  • 2x Greater Possessed
  • 13x Kreuger's Unvalids
  • 1x Little Robot Thingie from Space Hulk 
  • 2x Chaos Space Marine Raptors
  • 1x Necromunda Hive Scum
  • 29x Genestealer Cultists (for Finnegan)
  • 12x Kroot Warriors for (Finnegan)
  • 2x Fabius Bile and Surgeon Acolyte


  • 12x Death Guard (Plague Marines and Terminator Lord)
  • 4x Inquisitorial Stormtroopers
  • 1x Genestealer Cult Sanctus (for Finnegan)
  • 1x Genestealer Cult Kellermorph (for Finnegan) 
  • 1x Kroot Shaper (for Finnegan)
  • 3x Inquisitors (including one for Finnegan)
  • 7x Deathwatch Veterans (for Finnegan)
  • 1x Daemonette
  • 13x Flesh Hounds
  • 6x Grey Knights

Total 28mm Foot Painted: 303

28mm Mounted/Smaller Beasties

  • 1x Karanack, The Hound of Vengeance - Q1
  • 1x T'au Commander in XV86 coldstar Battlesuit - Q2
  • 5x Seekers of Slaansesh - Q3
  • 2x Chaos Space Marine Obliterators - Q3

28mm Bigger Beasties/Vehicles

  • Hellflayer - Q3

28mm Super-Heavy/TITANIC

  • 1x Renegade Knight Acheron - Q1

Wee Planes

  • 2x Imperial Navy Thunderbolt Fighters - Q2

Micro Space Ships

  • 2xChaos Cruisers - Q3
  • 3x Imperial Escorts - Q3
  • 22x Assorted Ordanace (Fighters/Bombers/Torpedoes) - Q3


Little Bits/Markers

  • 1x Chaos Objective Marker
  • 1x Space Hulk Objective Chalice

Ruined Bits (Walls, Rubble Piles)

  • 8x Assorted Wall of Martyrs bits (trench, 3 emplacements, 4 end bits) - Q3
  • 2x Small Sector Imperialis Ruin bits - Q3
  • 4x Chaos Monoliths - Q3

Buildings and Larger Bits

  • 2x Daemon World Rocky Outcroppings - Q3
  • 3x MORE Daemon World Rocky Outcroppings - Q3
  • 1x BFG Planet - Q3

Terrain Tiles

  • 1x 4'x4' Game Board - Q3

PURCHASED (or otherwise acquired - gifts, trades, etc.)

It was a (somewhat) lighter year for purchases... largely because I wasn't doing any miniature hobby-like-stuff for the last half of the year, it made NO sense to buy anything NEW!? 

(I did pick up a few things in this past week - I blame Boxing Week Sales and Hope For a Brighter 2021)

28mm Foot


  • 1x Necromunda Scavvy
  • 29x Nurgle Plague Marines
  • 1x Nurgle Malignant Plaguecaster
  • 3x Squats
  • 4x Imperial Guard
  • 1x Eldar Farseer
  • 2x Space Marine Scout
  • 8x Cultists of the Abyss
  • 10x Chaos Cultists
  • 18x Noize Marines
  • 13x Chaos Space Marines (to be converted into Noise Marines!)
  • 5x Chaos Space Marine Raptors
  • 7x Chaos Terminators
  • 1x Master of Possession (Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines)
  • 2x Greater Possessed (Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines)
  • 2x Obliterators (Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines)
  • 10x Chaos Space Marines (Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines)
  • 1x Chaos Space Marine (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 1x Rogue Psyker (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Negavolt Cultists (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Chaos Beastmen (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Ur-Ghuls (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 2x Spindle Drones (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 7x Traitor Guardsmen (Servants of the Abyss)
  • 1x Goblin Commissar
  • 1x Inquisitor in Power Armour
  • 1x Female Psyker
  • 20x Ngoni Tribespeople (gift from John)
  • 6x Plastic WW2 Germans  (gift from John)
  • 6x Plastic Landsknechts  (gift from John)
  • 10x Plastic Roman Legionaires  (gift from John)
  • 3x Ogryn


  • 1x Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn
  • 3x Plague Marine miniatures (Blackstone Fortress: No Respite)
  • 6x Poxwalker (Blackstone Fortress: No Respite)
  • 1x Traitor Commissar  (Blackstone Fortress: Traitor Command)
  • 1x Chaos Ogryn  (Blackstone Fortress: Traitor Command)
  • 1x Arco-flagellant (in trade from Orion)
  • 109x Mantic Space Orks (gifted from Other Tim)
  • 15x Burnaboyz (gifted from Other Tim)
  • 2x Warboss (gifted from Other Tim)
  • 2x Fabius Bile and Surgeon Acolyte


  • 2x Daemonifuge – Ephrael Stern & Kyganil
  • 11x Flesh Hounds (including old version of Karanack)
  • 2x Syll'Esske (okay, it's ONE model... but there really are TWO distinct figures, so I'm calling it 2)
  • 1x Rubrik Marine
  • 1x Thousand Sons Sorcerer


  • 5x Morgwaeth's Blade-coven miniatures
  • 10x Melusai
  • 5x Khinerai
  • 1x Melusai Ironscale
  • 10x Daemonettes
  • 1x Lord of Pain, champion of the Hedonites of Slaanesh

Total 28mm Foot Purchased: 373

28mm Mounted

  • 1x Zoat!
  • 10x Hellstriders 

28mm Big Beasties/Vehicles

  • 1x Aerosan transport (to convert for use by Valhallans!)
  • 1x Venomcrawler (Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines)
  • 1x Mantic Ork Warbuggy (gifted from Other Tim)
  • 2x Hellflayer

Small Terrain Pieces

  • 1x Tactical Command Table

Wee Planes

  • 2x Imperial Navy Thunderbolt Fighters
  • 2x Imperial Navy Marauder Bombers
  • 3x Ork Air Waaagh! Dakkajets
  • 2x Ork Air Waaagh! Fighta Bommers

Mirco Tanks

  • 2xOrk Bone Krusha Tanks

Micro Sailing Ships

  • 2x Wee Ships  (gift from John)

DISPOSALS(Traded or Sold)

  • 12x Old Plastic Space Marines (traded for Arco-flagellant!)

Welp... that's it. 

Hope you all had a... well... good-ish year. 

I REALLY hope 2021 is better for us all! 


  1. All the best for the coming year , cheers Tony .

  2. Wow a lot achieved, I do like your qauter idea, I will be stealing that!

    1. Yeah, the Quarterly Plans work so much better - at least for me!

