Thursday, July 23, 2020

Rise Up! Scenario Four: Break Out!

With the surge of reinforcements, Imperial Forces are tightening their stranglehold on Gehardog Fol. The patriarch has commanded all loyal to trying break out - all along the line - breakthrough and run amok behind the lines creating chaos and instability. It is the Cult's only hope...



The Genestealer Cultists must break through the enemy lines by exiting of the far end of the table.

This scenario uses Variable Game Length.

Characters that exit off the far side of the table before the games ends gain an additional Advancement Point.

Units that exit off the far side of the table before the games ends gain an additional 3 Experience Points.


Imperial Forces
Elements of C Company, XXXIIIrd Gravalaxian Infantry Regiment

Battalion Detachment - Cost: 3CP - Command Benefit +3CP
Captain - Company Commander - PR2
Primaris Psyker - PR2

Infantry Squad - PR3
Infantry Squad - PR3
Infantry Squad - PR3

Command Squad - PR2
Commissar - PR2

Heavy Support
Heavy Weapon Squad - PR3

Fortification Network - Command Cost: 1 (Command Benefit: +1)
Imperial Defence Line - PR4
Imperial Bunker - PR5

Total Power Level: 29

Genestealer Cult Forces
Battalion Detachment - Cost: 3CP - Command Benefit +3CP

Ehxmuhnxd Ebonyviper II - HQ - Primus - PR4 - 4AP
Abilities: Stealthy, Camouflaged

Troops -Neophyte Hybrids (10) -  PR4 - 0XP - Green
Elites - Sanctus - PR3 - 0XP - Green
Elites - Aberrants (4) - PR7 - 0XP - Green

Idunt Noe - HQ - PR4 - 0AP
Abilities: Psychic Might
Psychic Powers: Smite, Psionic Blast, Might From Beyond.

Troops -Neophyte Hybrids (10) -  PR4 - 6XP - Blooded
Battle Honours: SharpShooters

Heavy Support - Leman Russ Tank - PR9 - 0XP - Green

Phi Lip - HQ - Primus - PR4 - 0AP
Abilities: Impervious

Troops -Brood Brothers Infantry (10) -  PR4 - 5XP - Blooded
Battle Honours: SharpShooters

Heavy Support - Goliath Rockgrinder - PR6 - 0XP - Green

Power Level: 49

The Game

Imperial Forces holding the line... They know something is up - there is movement out there in the ruins of central Gehardog Fol.

The lads, having been given they objectives, marshal their troops.

Magos Idunt Noe and his squad of Neophytes are joined by a captured Leman Russ tank!

Primus Ebonyviper II's troops are joined by a Sanctus and a squad of Abberants - though Ebonyviper II and the Aberants all piled into the Rockgrinder - which had joined the other Primus - Phi Lip and his squad of Brood Brothers.

All lined up and ready to go.

The crackle of autogun shots at the high-pitched whine of mining lasers charging up alerted the Guard of the insurgents approach! The troops behind the Wall of Martyrs started taking casualties, but they held!

A mining truck roared ahead of the group while the Leman Russ pumped off shots from it's Vindicator cannon and Lascannon into the surrounding rubble of the city, as if they were drunk or fighting an enemy that only they could see!?

The Brood Brothers kept up some intensive fire on the bunker and troops behind the wall - trying to keep all their heads down!

Ebonyviper's troops rushing the enemy lines - while the Sanctus picks out his targets...

The Magos blasted the troops in the trenches with arcs of warp energy.

The Rockgrinder revved up it's engines...


I guess... why not? It's a truck that's designed to tunnel it's way into solid rock in a mine, right...?

It utterly DESTROYED the bunker!?

(They told me it had 6 attacks and when it attacked with the dozer blade it got d3 attacks per attack... some vehicles - utusually TITANIC vehicles do stuff like this - like knights often have 5 or 6 attacks and if they use their stompy-stompy they get three attacks per attack used... but those are knights and are 25 Power Level... this is a 6 Power truck... but whatevs, I wasn't going to argue... so they took 18 Strength 7 attacks against my bunker.... looking this up after the game, they in fact, should have had a MAXIMUM of 6 attacks - d3 was how many attacks they should have had, given the damage it had already taken, +d3 additional attacks for charging... so 2-6 attacks.... not 18... but, whatevs... )

The truck didn't last long, however, concentrated fire from the surviving weapons teams finished if off in a jiffy (actually, if I'd remembered to use my PSYKER - IT could have finished it off as it only had a few wounds left....)

And then in blew up. They actually used a 1CP Stratagem "Rigged to Blow" which means a vehicle that is destroyed doesn't have to rolled to see if it blows up (usually 1 in 6 chance) it just blows and does d3 mortal wounds to every unit within 6"!? That included my Company Commander, the Primaris Spyker, the Heavy Weaon Squad, the Command Squad, and TWO Infantry squads... it was devastating...

Ebonyviper II and the Aberants that were onboard the truck that was rigged to blow? Never fear - they just walked away untouched... Yeah... one of my biggest qualms with the system is the survivability of troops transported in vehicles that are destroyed. Regardless of whether they blow up or not, they simply roll a d6 for each model on board and on a 1 the model is lost... I kind of feel like if you use that stratagem, EVERY troop transported on board should be lost... but whatevs...

Though, by the same token, my troops inside the bunker had survived it's utter destruction (it's basically treated like an immovable vehicle...). So...

Ebonyviper's Neophytes prepare to assault the Imperial troops still holding the line!

Genestealer Cultists close in!

Ebonyviper II and his troops charge the line!

It is a mad, desperate fight, but the Imperial troops are dying!

Cherry-pickers sit back and watch - taking shots at the surviving guard still holding the line.

The Company Commander, Primaris Psyker and Commissar all join in the fight - to prevent the line from being overrun!

Guard fire nearly wipes out Lip's Brood Brothers!

(likely they had Command Points to burn nd brought back three - including the heavy weapons team!? with the Cult Reinforcements stratagem!)

Ebonyviper Breaks through and makes a run for it!

His troops also disengage - leaving the bewildered Imperial commander holding the trench alone.

The Imperial Commanders chase them down - but are cut down.

The MAgos' troops finally decide to get in on the action and overrun the solitary guard left holding the trench on the other side.

Ebonyviper II and both his squads made if off... but the others ended just short of the line when the game ended... Overwhelming Imperial reinforcements arrived and they were obliged to retire and give up their position. Ebonyviper and his troops took refuge in an abandoned warehouse and slipped back through the line under cover of darkness...

Post Game

Well... they all survived... for once... but they failed in their mission of getting off the far edge of the table.

Ebonyviper II gained an advancement point for surviving and one for getting off the table for a total of 6! Which gained him a new ability. He took Inspirational Leader.

The other two Characters also gained one Advancement Point... which also gained them a new ability... because it was their first Advancement Point as both were replacements and/or hadn't survived a game to gain ANY advancement Points... Phi Lip took Toughened Armour and Idunt Noe took master of Lore (and Psychic Stimulus to go with it)

Ebonvyviper's troops gained a whopping SIX experience points - the most in a game so far! That catapulted them directly to "Blooded" and gained them a Battle Honour.

The others each gained one as a participation award.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I'll probably post some pictures of the Wall of Martyrs defence line I finished up for this scenario, at some point. Perhaps with some more Sector Imperialis scatter terrain I was TRYING to finish up for this game, but didn't....

Next week will be the epic conclusion to this campaign (I have a few things I need to paint for THAT as well!)

After that...? Getting ready for the Daemon World Challenge in August - more on that soon!


  1. So many cool toys. Do Finegan’s friends think you are the coolest dad?

    1. Thanks.

      I really don't know...? They have a pretty rad dad themselves, so... I have my doubts...

  2. Great looking game and of course you have to suck it up!
    Best Iain

  3. I dunno about the rock truck. I think the kids have a point about a converted vehicle originally intended to deal with rock attacking a bunker, which is just man-made rock. It should definitely punch above its weight in those circumstances.

    Kudos also to them for their thinking of turning the rock truck into a massive assault bomb and for exploiting a hole in the rules for getting out of an exploding vehicle.
