Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Lost Three

Some time after the return of the core of Detachment Xn, another group of the same left with the Rogue Trader returned separately. These three - along with a half-dozen others - had been separated from the group on the world of Gavinternary VII - thought dead and were thus left behind. It wasn't until decades later that another Rogue Trader came by they were discovered and made it off the planet and eventually made their way back to the fortress monastery on Necromunda...

(this was largely because I'm moving away from Kill Team and thinking about playing small skirmish games with 40K - and that means filling out units)

The Lost Three

Brother Fornel

Brother Bekurt

Brother Mennod

The Entire Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists.

The detachment can operate as a ten-man squad or in two five-man fire teams. Either option could be fielded as a Battle-Forged Patrol Detachment in Warhammer 40K (Which would include one HQ element - the Captain - and one or two Troops elements - the Scouts)

Captain Rhogen - Captain, Commander of Imperial Fists Detachment Xn

First Team

Second Team

For our narrative games, I was thinking of calling these guys "Veteran Scouts" and giving them +1A and +1Ld - this is the same difference between Tactical Marines and Company Veterans.

The difference in Power Level is a bit harder to pin down (if we're trying to keep track of these things) 5 Tactical Marines are Power Level 5 and 5 Company Veterans are 9... if the Attacks and Leadership were the ONLY differences, I could probably say "Veteran Scouts" are 10 points for five (as five regular Scouts are 6 for five)... but looking a little close, Company Veterans also have the option of Storm Shields - which confer a 3+ Invulnerable Save - which is a pretty huge advantage that these guys DEFINITELY do NOT have!

So I was thinking a group of 5 Veteran Scouts might be Power Level 8 or 9 (Power Rating +7 or 8 for an additional 5 in the squad). Maybe I'll go with the lower ones - 15 seems a nice round number to use. The Captain is Power Level 5, so that makes a nice even 20...?

Unless I gave them a 5+ invulnerable save - so represent their ability to just "not be there"...? that could be 20 Power Level for 10 of them... 25 for the group...?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Some background for the Narrative 40K Campaign we'll be playing over the next month: The Signal!

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