Thursday, July 30, 2020

Rise Up! Scenario Five: Defend the Hive!

The Imperial Oppressors tighten the noose. With the latest batch of reinforcements to the Gehardog Fol have come and Inquisitor of the Ordos Xenos and a Death Watch Strike force. They have penetrated the outer defences of the hive and none are left to defend the patriarch, save our Heroes! 



The Inquisitor and her Death Watch Kill Team are here to take out the Patriarch. The Genestealer Cult must hold them back until reinforcements can arrive. In that time, if the Genestealer Cult can prevent the Inquisitor and the Death Wathc Kill Team from taking out the Patriarch they win. If the Patriarch is taken out of action, the Imperial forces win!

I'd briefly thought of using the Assassinate! Scenario from the Core Rulebook, But it's played over only five turns and points are given per turn that damage is done  to the Warlord (10 points per turn) and if the warlord is done at the end (bonus 40) and the defenders get points if the warlord survives (50 points) and if the Warlord kills ANY models in a given turn (10 points per turn). Given the terrain we were using, however, it would have been INSANELY easy for them to turtle in the corner and plug the bottlenecks with hordes of crap troops and deny any ability to GET to the Warlord... 

So I didn't put a limit to the number of turns, but made the Power Levels pretty close... 


Imperial Forces
Inquisition Strike Force - Combat Patrol - Cost: 2CP - Command Benefit +2CP

Lord Inquisitor Drusilla Kyros PR4
Death Watch Captain PR5

Death Watch Kill Team (7) PR14
TEmpestus Scions (5) PR3

Eversor Assassin PR5
Vindicare Assassin PR5
Acolytes (6) PR6 (using the ability to add ONE Agents of the Imperium to any Imperial Detachment without taking up a slot) 

Total Power Level: 42

Genestealer Cult Forces
Battalion-Detachment-ish - Cost: 3CP - Command Benefit +3CP

Ehxmuhnxd Ebonyviper II - HQ - Primus - PR4 - 6AP
Abilities: Stealthy, Camouflaged, Inspirational Leader

Troops -Neophyte Hybrids (10) -  PR4 - 6XP - Blooded
Elites - Sanctus - PR3 - 6XP - Blooded
Elites - Kellermorph - PR3 - 0XP - Green

Idunt Noe - HQ - PR4 - 1AP
Abilities: Psychic Might, Master of Lore
Psychic Powers: Smite, Psionic Blast, Might From Beyond, Psychic Stimulus

Troops -Neophyte Hybrids (10) -  PR4 - 8XP - Blooded
Battle Honours: SharpShooters

Phi Lip - HQ - Primus - PR4 - 1AP
Abilities: Impervious, Toughened Armour

Troops -Brood Brothers Infantry (10) -  PR4 - 6XP - Blooded
Battle Honours: SharpShooters

Patriarch - HQ - PR7
Purestrain Genestealers - Elites - PR4

Total Power Level:


how it went

The lads setting up their Cult Ambush markers. This was the first game that it really made sense to do so! 


Imperial Forces lead by Lord Inquisitor Drusilla Kyros enter the extensive networks of caverns below Gehardog Fol - determined to erradicate the Genestealer in gestation! 

Deathwatch Kill Team lead by a Deathwath Terminator - originally from the Salamanders Space Marine Chapter. 

Lord Inquisitor Kyros and a few of her loyal Acolytes. 

(Originally I'd planned to use the Tempestus Scions as Acolytes, but then realized Acolytes only have a save of 5+! Scions have carapace armour that gives them a 4+! So I just used some preachers as Acolytes and brought in a full Squad of Tempestus Scions) 

Inquisition Stormtroopers (Temestus Scions) lead by a commissar (used as a Tempestor) 

An assassin from the Eversor Temple, skulking around in the Caverns around the flanks... 

All Advanced... which meant there wasn't a lot else they could do this turn... 

ROUND ONE - Genestealer Cult

Deciding who goes where... 

Genestealer Cultists pop out from their ambush locations 

(Actually this was done after the Imperial forces movement phase, and the Scions got off one shot from a Grenade Launcher - an Assault weapon - which took two neophytes out of action) 

Neophytes pour fire down on the approaching Scions - all were taken out of action with one round of fire! 

The Purestrain Genestealers charged the Deathwatch Kill Team. They were utterly wiped out before they even got to the Kill Team... I should have let one live to get into combat... so I could have piled in - moving forward! - and then consolidated a bit further! 

The Kellermorph got in a few lucky shots at the Eversor and caused FOUR WOUNDS from shooting... then it charged (mistake). The Eversor Assassin handed the poor Kelermorph his own ass.

ROUND TWO - Imperial Forces

Deathwatch Captain and Vindicare assassin moved up - the Vindicare got a show off at Phi Lip - one of the Cult Primuses...? Primi...? Whatever... hit and wounded, but one of the nearby Brood Brothers jumped in and took the hit! 

The Deathwatch Kill Team moved up and blasted one of the squads of Neophytes to bits with fire (Ian's). 

Then they charged what remained.... and killed the rest of them...

 And consolidated in the main chamber - within striking distance of the Primarch. 

The Acolytes moved up to the position where the Scions had been taken out and blasted away at the Neophyte Cultists. 

They too charged what remained of them, slaughtering the lot of them!  

They too consolidated into the main chamber!

(Acolytes are BRUTAL against their Quarry!) 

ROUND TWO - Genestealer Cult

The Genestealer cult used Smites and Psychic blasts against the Deathwatch Kill Team - taking out two of them. A squad of Brood Brothers unloaded everything they had at them... and did NOTHING... The Brood Brothers then charged, and were utterly wiped out by the Overwatch Fire. 

Then the Patriarch charged! It took out FOUR of them! The remaining Deathwatch Marine actually PASSED his morale check! 

Phi Lip Charged the Acolytes and took one of them out of action. They dealt a wound or two back to him (actually I think they did five, but he actually saved four!?) 

ROUND THREE - Imperial Forces 

The Acolytes fell back from their combat with the Primus and Lord Inquisitor Kyros stepped in... Between shooting and smiting, the Primus was taken out! 

The Vindicate relocated again! Though he had to advance to get into a position where he could target anything... would any still be there on his next turn?

The end of Round Four for the Imperium... not a lot left on the table! Patriarch, Primus and Magos on the Genestealer Cult side. 

ROUND THREE - Genestealer Cult 

The Patriarch moved up to charge the Watch Captain of the Deathwatch. ON his way by, he smited the lone remaining battle brother... The Patriarch charged the Watch Captain and dealt him some grievous blows, the Watch Captain did his best to fight back 

The Magus took out two of the Acolytes with Psychic Powers, and Ebonyviper took out the remaining one with his pistol!

ROUND FOUR - Imperial Forces

The Vindicate Assassin shot and wounded Ebonyviper II, the Eversor Assassin then charged in and finished him off... Not quite close enough to catch that wily Magos... 

The Inquisitor joined the melee with the Patriarch, dealing it some serious hurt... It continued to hammer on the Watch Captain, but failed to take him out. The Watch Caption fought back and injured the Patriarch further! 

ROUND FOUR - Genestealer Cult

The Magos retreated away from the Eversor Assassin, blasting it with psychic energy, reducing it to one wound... 

The Patriarch finished off the Watch Captain with a Smite... but the Watch Captain use Only in Death Does Duty End - a stratagem that allows a Deathwatch Character the ability to fight, as though it was the Fight Phase, if it is taken out of action - and with his dying breath, he slew the Patriarch! 

Ah, well... if he didn't the Inquisitor would have totally taken it out... 


We didn't track any experience as this was the end of this little narrative - though I suggested to Finnegan that maybe we could could Ebonyviper II's games for experience if he were to build a Genestelaer Cult Crusade force - and count this as the first game for his Inquisition/Deathwatch Crusade Force (though I'd need to finish up the rest of his Deathwatch - and he'd likely need ONE MORE unit - probably a Kill Team - or maybe a Dreadnought)! 

Limiting Overwatch is HUGE. That Deathwatch Kill Team could deal out some CrAzY amounts of overwatch fire! I think that may have been the first time I saw a unit actually be WIPED OUT with Overwatch Fire - which normally would have meant it would be able to do so again if another unit charged it - like the Patriarch did... and it would have laid down some SERIOUS hurt on that Patriarch! 

Psykers seem like they could be a little overpowering in smaller games throwing all those Smites about... especially if their opponent has none (or few) to deny psychic abilities. 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Tomorrow I'll be posting a wrap up of all the games we played in July. We got off to a slow start, but ended up playing quite a few over the month! Especially 40K - with all the campaigning we've been doing! 

Coming up in August - we're planning a second narrative campaign of sorts with the lads - Daemon Prince Garfongdong has invited four champions of Chaos - four Warlords from four different legions, representing the four different gods - to battle for supremacy over a Daemonworld. We'll be using the new Crusade Campaign rules - with a few modifications/limitations. 


  1. Great looking end to your narrative campaign, looks spectacular and cinematic, the trench /cave scenery works really well!
    Best Iain
