Tuesday, August 7, 2007

This Week – First Week of August 2007

A couple new toys painted up over the last couple of days…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some Darkest African tribal warriors from the Foundry . I will be using these in the fall for my Great War in Africa campaign (more on that shortly…)

Joey Stalin. An old Harlequin (now Black Tree Design) figure.

The Scotsman Without a Name. A wild west gunfighter in a kilt and bonnet! How could I pass that up!? From Crusader Miniatures. I painted his bonnet khaki as I thought I might use him as a member of a Pulp WW2 – LRDG X-patrol… or something like that…

(Amanda has gone away on vacation and taken her nice camera – so these next three were take with my old one… can you see the difference…)

A second Fledkompanie of Shutztruppe (again for the Great War in Africa campaign). The Shutztruppe and the White NCOs are my own castings, the Officer in the white hat is from Coppelstone Castings.

These are some 15mm highlanders from Minifig’s Great War line. I bought them ages ago, I think originally to make an early war (WW2) platoon for Flames of War. It suddenly occurred to me it might be fun to play some Great War games with stands and tiny figures on them – maybe Over the Top (Command Decision), or Great War Spearhead, or even CLA…? (Because having figures for any conflict in only one scale… well… that’s just not right….?!).

I was trying to decide the other day, if I were to pick up any more smallish WW1 stuff for mounting on bases such as these, should I go with 15mm or 1/72… While there is getting to be more and more 1/72 stuff available (especially from Hat Industrie) and 1/72 are definitely cheaper and… well… bigger (and thus easier to paint), the minifig line is pretty extensive and they’re pretty nice looking figures…

I should probably just make my own damn toys and stick them on bigger bases if I want to play that way… I really like the look of these though…

I decided to paint some ‘80’s/Afghan War Russians (mostly because I only have these two stands of them…) just for something different to do. These are Combat Miniatures which are currently sold by Figures, Armour, Artillery USA. This was probably in anticipation of the immanent arrival of Cold War Commander. Not that I’d be able to play much with only two stands of Russians…

Does this rock or does this suck? Should I buy a pile of 15mm Minifigs WW1 stuff or just start sticking my own 25/30mm figures on great big bases? Let me know what you think? Please feel free to leave comments below!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The History and Geography of Timbogo

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