Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Painting up some Africans this week…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are Congolese Askaris and their Belgian Officers from The Foundry’s Darkest Africa line. I was trying to paint them in such a way that they could be passed off as Early Great War (1914) Congolese askaris.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Looks like lots more Africans in the pipe… some porters, then British K.A.R. and German Shutztruppe Askaris.

Loads of stuff has showed up this past week from my boxing week mini-ordering spree.... expect a few of those to hitting the painting desk soon as well...


  1. I like the flag--is it painted on paper? Or foil?

  2. Very nicely painted. I see you're a Mark Copplestone fan like myself!

  3. Great painting-job and very interesting topic. I like these!

    Greets :)

  4. Nice looking unit. Great skin tone, I always find darker skin tones harder to paint. I like the straw hats!

  5. Nice work! I could definitely see these guys in the era of the African Queen.

  6. I really like the way that you've painted these chaps, I have to say they look pretty intimidating!

  7. Thanks everyone!

    I'll be back to painting more africans in a moment but some new stuff arrived in yesterdays post so I've got a secret project/new distraction in the works... more on that in a bit...
