(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are the new stands 8 stands of Auxilia (including an Auxilia General). The figures are a mix of Gripping Beast and Old Glory.
Here’s the whole army (including a bunch of Psiloi and a couple of Blade (Norse/Viking mercenaries?):

Yes, the stands are not the suggested depths or number of figures. This army, like all my other DBA/HOTT armies, I’ve based foot on 40mm deep bases and, for the most part, used 1.5x the suggested number of figures. So, Psiloi have three, Auxilia have four, the Blade have six.
I am anxious to try these out. So far the only Dark Age armies I’ve have are the Normans, Vikings and Anglo-Danish/Saxons. Generally the Vikings almost always defeat the Anglo-Danish/Saxons and the Normans simply destroy everyone! I’m wondering how these armies will fair fighting the Irish who, being mostly Auxilia and Psiloi, will likely hide in swamps, and woods and on high steep hills and ambush all those Knights and Blades and Spear (who all don’t do so good in Bad-Going terrain).
I also have a couple of options to use for Hordes of the Things:

Some Irish Wolfhounds (Beasts) and some Leprechauns (lurkers?)
Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:
More DBA/HotT madness! The year is 2/3 done and I’m just over 600 foot figures painted – I’ll probably make 900… can I make it 1000? Might be hard considering I’ll probably squeak some cavalry in there (being all inspired by Neldoreth’s Scythians… I think I might actually get around to painting a few of my own!!). Mostly I want to concentrate on finishing up some dark age armies (Vikings, Anglo-Saxon/Danish, Pre-feudal Scotts, and Welsh) and some more HOTT armies/options (Dwarves and Elves mostly… and maybe some orcs…. Undead… Centaurs…)
Yeah… I should totally do those Centaurs…
I’m thinking I might try and run another HOTT or DBA campaign in February… we shall see..