Sunday, April 21, 2013

Another Odd Assortment

I finished up a few odds and ends this weekend….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A command team from Warlord Games for my WW2 Canadians. The signaler and the officer I plan to use as a forward observer team of some sort and the stretcher-bearer will be attached to a platoon HQ.

A few odd moderns from The Assault Group: a Russian (with an AK carbine), a figure that was meant to be an SAS trooper that I’ve painted in a mix of camo to use as a survivor or contractor or perhaps some generic special operator, and a pair of snipers. One of the snipers I’ve painted in American woodland camo and the other in olive drab (thinking I could pass him off as a Cold War Canadian).

Ancient Greeks. The fellas are from Black Tree Design, and the Amazon is from Wargames Foundry .

A few modern civilians. The alcoholic investigator is from RAFM and the two kids are from Reaper Miniatures.

Finally, one more zombie from Cold War Miniatures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a few more amazons that I finished that are being based for a HOTT/DBA army. After that? I have a lot more zombies and moderns on the workbench…