Saturday, May 3, 2014

Martial Arts Heroes

I’ve finally finished up the second of my forces for A Fistful of Kung Fu – Hong Kong Movie Wargame Rules: The Martial Arts Heroes.

(the first force I finished was The Cops - and I also painted up the “American Trucker” special edition figure that cam with the But-Them-All pre-order deal…)

Except where otherwise noted below, these figures are from North Star Military Figures

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

The Whole Gang…

The Protagonist: The Grand Master

Two Martial Arts Students

Three Shaolin Monks

The “Bruiser” (on the left) – the Martial Arts Champion and a Martial Arts Fanatic (on the right).

Around the same time these arrived in February I also ordered a few extra reinforcements…

These additional Martial Artists are from Hasslefree Miniatures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The rest of what I’ve been painting over the last week – Which hasn’t been much… 


  1. Great looking figures - the animation and colors make me think of 70's action movies!

  2. Holy crap, I need those guys. They are awesome!

  3. Top work Tim. The hair on the grand master is superb.

  4. The protagonist and the three Hasslefree minis are really great!
