Monday, January 6, 2020

Bloodletters of Khorne

MORE Daemons of Chaos!

Bloodletters of Khorne.

I actually started these BEFORE the Daemonettes of Slaanesh - but this month's painting challenge for the Hunters of the Warp (Local 40K club) was "SPEED PAINTING" and, though these could totally have qualified as speed painting, I'd already started them. So, I took a brief break to knock out the Daemonettes...

The Forces of the Blood God

This amounts to a small patrol detachment:

HQ (1-2)
Karanack - 4 Power Level/70 points

Troops (1-3)
Bloodletters (with Instrument of Chaos and Daemonic Icon) - 4 Power Level/95 points

Fast Attack (1-2)
Flesh Hounds - 4 Power Level/75 points

Total Power Level: 12
Total Points: 240

The only thing I have left for Khorne are three Bloodcrushers - which are basically Bloodletters riding Juggernauts of Khorne. They are Elites and will add an extra 8 Power Level (for a total of 20 Power Level) or 145 points (for a total of 385).

I seem to be blasting through this all pretty quickly. After the Bloodcrushers I'll finish off the Fiends and Seekers of Slaanesh, along with the Infernal Enrapturess, and then I'll take a break from the Chaos stuff and finally get started on the Blackstone Fortress stuff again!?

So glad I got these done today - as a little bay purchase arrived today! With these, the total painted so far this year is 27 foot (though five of those are Flesh Hounds), and... well... Karanack! A total of 28. 28 new minis arrived today... Mostly Plague Marines!?

I had no real desire to add Nurgle to the mix, but they were a CrAzY good deal (I guess no one wants the OLD plague marine minis anymore now that there are all those newer Death Guard figures out there!) - and I was originally planning on getting them just for the back packs!?

Short version of long story: I need chaos space marine bodies to put together some Noise Marines - a Slaanesh sort of thing (I got the "upgrade" pack from GW with include arms, shoulder pads and sonic blasters). I was looking at some very inexpensive chaos space marines from another seller... but then didn't HAVE backpacks... for the price I was going to get the two lots it would STILL be less than half the price of getting a box of NEW Chaos Space Marines (it's $70 for TEN of them!?). In the end I DIDN'T even get the backpackless marines... but DID get the Plague Marines... and then I found ANOTHER inexpensive lot of chaos space marines WITH backpacks and picked up THOSE!? Does this make ANY sense!? It shouldn't, it's CHAOS!!!

Anyway, I was hoping to keep the painted total HIGHER than the acquired total for the year..... and currently it's EVEN. I guess I better get painting as those other marines (that I'm going to be turning into Noise Marines) will be arriving shortly!!

I have no further plans to buy anything in the immediate future, though, so even if they do show up before my next painting update, it shouldn't be too hard to catch up - and get ahead!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

More Chaos Daemons - an Infernal Enrapturess and some Fiends and Seekers of Slaanesh.


  1. It's the seventh day of the year and you have painted as many as you have acquired, so therefore not adding to the lead mountain. That counts as a win, as far as I'm concerned.

    1. We'll go with that... and hope I finish up enough of the others before the OTHER bay order arrives!

      I may actually pull that off - I decided to try painting up some of the Death Guard that arrived with this recent order with Contrast paints - and it is going rather quickly... they look like a bit of a mess... but... They're DEATH GUARD!? They're SUPPOSED to look like a mess, right!?

  2. More great work as always on these guys and the other daemons too.

    I also read through all the other posts I have missed (since before your concert) and man you get a lot of games in. Really quite wonderful to read about it, although I can not quite imagine what it would be like to play so many!

    Hope the kids are all mended now, and Happy New year.

    1. Cheers!

      Everyone seems to be in relatively good health this week.

      We do get in a lot of games. We (or, rather, I) often PLAN more than we realistically CAN ("We're going to play games ALL DAY, EVERY DAY throughout the holidaze!") and then get disappointed when, y'know, we don't - and focus on THAT rather than the fact that we DID actually play quite a few games - far more than MOST folks get around to! I do appreciate these reminders!
