Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blackstone Fortress Characters, Inquisitor, and Others

Finnegan's been learning about lighting for film production in his Communications Media course and so had to set up some lights - on a miniature scale and take some pictures with a Fill, Key, and Back lights individually and together.

So since we had this all set up I thought I'd take advantage of it and try shooting indoors today because...

it was FREAKING COLD outside today!!!

(I may yet have to go out and get groceries this afternoon... hopefully it will have warmed up a tad).

(Amanda had to go out in the -51°C windchill because she had a meeting to get to this morning).

(Did I mention that she rode her bike? Oh, she rode her bike all right!)

First we have Lady Marlaena du Shard of the Ordo Hereticus - an Imperial Inquisitor - the patron/employer (or whatever you'd like to call her) of the group of characters in the Wrath & Glory game I am starting up.

Two more Imperial Fist Space Marine Scouts. They may be used for Kill Team... They may get used in Necromunda... They may show up in a Wrath & Glory game.

The general story evolving around these guys is that they were recruited on Necromunda and after initial assessment and training and implants were assigned to the 10th Company as Scouts (as all neophyte Marines are). But, around that time, a Rogue Trade was setting off on a long voyage, beyond the boundaries of the Imperium and requested the aid of some Aseptus Astartes. It was the Imperial Fists that provided him with a detachment of scouts.

Now they've finally returned home, decades later, veterans of many conflicts, with a great deal of experience in unconventional warfare. There was really no place for them in the regular Order of Battle of a Marine Chapter - as Veterans, she should, at the very least be assigned to one of the battle companies - or possibly the first company (which is generally full of all the veterans - often donning terminator armour). But because of their decades of experience making use of non-conventional tactics - completely detached from the environment of battle companies which use entirely different sorts of tactics - they really wound't mesh well with the regular marines... and so have been left in limbo, assigned to the 10th Company detachment at the Fortress Monastery on Necromunda and tasked with training new recruits as Scouts.

Sometimes, due to their unconventional nature, they take recruits on "training missions" into the Underhive...

Daemonhost. a mortal that has been possessed by a daemon, but then bound and trapped for... whatever dark purposes the captor has in mind... often used by more radical members of the Inquisition (NOT Lady Marlaena! Perish the thought!)

I did, in accordance with THE PLAN, get cracking on some of the Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress figures over the last week or so...

Janus Draik - Rogue Trader - Explorer of the Blackstone fortress (Not to be confused with Janus Darke - ALSO a Rogue Trader and the "protagonist" of William King's Farseer novel - honestly, when I first saw the announcements for Blackstone Fortress, I thought they were bringing back this character - as a sort of prequel to Farseer, like, what Darke got up to BEFORE the events of the novel - SPOILER: Things do not go well for Darke in the novel! But then realized, no, that's Draik, not Darke...).

One of the Rogue Psykers

The other Rogue Psyker.

The Rogue Psykers will definitely come in handy other settings - the Wrath & Glory campaign, in particular!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Might be more Blackstone fortress minis...

Might be a Necromunda game report (there is a plan to play this Sunday!)...

Or it might be a Hellboy game report from a couple weeks ago that I never finished!?


  1. Really cool set of minis here! Love the mix of new and olde sculpts and their backgrounds when you've typed them are very engaging, especially the Scouts.

    1. Thanks Dai!

      At some point, I'd like to flesh out the Scouts background a bit more - naming them all - and the Rogue trader - maybe play out some of the actions they saw while working for the Rogue trader using either Kill Team or 40K... I do love a game with NARRATIVE!

      Lady Marlaena will also get some fleshing out in the not-too-distant future as we get going with the Wrath and Glory campaign!

  2. I'm not good at thinking in terms of centigrade, but "freaking cold" did come to mind. ha ha
    (and to think, I stayed in today because it was -1C/30F outside :P )

    Quite a mix of figures there! Some of them look quite old school. Nice painting as usual!

    1. (-50°C × 9/5) + 32 = -58°F

      it's cold...

      The point where the two scales meet is -40. so... there's a reference for you. As far as I'm concerned when it's -40, regardless of which scale, it's freaking cold, and anything below that is freakinger colder!


  3. -24C! Wow that is cold. Stay inside and warm guys!

    1. It has been a bit nippy here this past week... thanks!

  4. Lovely figures, the demonhosts is excellent and I have a soft spot for the old school scouts!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      have a soft spot for just about ANY of the old metal minis...

      I actually spotted a pair of old metal scouts with SHOTGUNS - which rarely pop up on eBay - almost always dudes with bolt pistols and knives. Kind of kicking myself for not bidding on them - but I AM trying to reduced the lead/plastic pile this year, so... there will be others...
