Also, I happened to finish up some of the potential Nemesises....? Nemesees....? Nemesi....? Whatever... some potential opponents for the Grey Knights - a Master of Possession and two Greater Possessed. THey've actually been skulking around my workbench for months. I got them with the Start Collecting Chaos Space Armies box and, while I had no plans to include them in the force for Battleforce Recon - which had been my main focus for completing Chaos Space Marines - there is a short campaign involving both the Master of Possession and Greater Possessed in the Blackstone Fortress Annual!
So... starting with the "Good Guys"...

Grey Knights and Inquisitors and Acolyte.

I did also rebase this Inquisitor Stapelton and his acolyte, Vives. Stapelton is also an Ordo Malleus inquisitor, so I guess I now have THREE of them. A triumvirate, I guess.

The Grey Knight Squad - Beta Carotene Squad. Two of these I'd actually painted previously, they just ended up in this squad as part of the Re-org. I did repaint their insignia/devices, so.... From left to right, the Squad includes; Bother Brett, Brother Todd, Justicar Jeremy, Brother Trevor, and Brother Gordon.

Brother Dirk,
Grey Knight Terminator - Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter (I guess that's what we're calling that bolter-like-thingie on the end of his halberd, Krak, Psyk-Out, and Frag Grenades
Specialism: Veteran
Skills: Grizzled (Ignore penalties to Leadership and never tests)
36 Points
For the time being, this fellow, and the other two Grey Knight Terminators I have still to paint, will likely only be used in Kill Team (as I need five for a full strength Terminator Squad in regular 40K or Apocalypse... I mean, I guess I could use an understrength squad... buuuuut....)

The whole daemon-hunting force so far.

Master of Possession and two Greater Possessed. In addition to being an addition to my Emperor's Children 40K Forces and being able to be used in Blackstone Fortress, both the Master of Possession and the Greater Possessed can be used in Kill Team.... But still no Noise Marines in Kill Team...
I haven't named these yet...

Whoopsie, almost forgot this one. A Vindicare Assassin. When they did a little Made-to-Order or Inquisition and Assassin figures, I picked up the two assassins I didn't have (so I'd have a full set of old metal ones) and an Inquisitor and Daemonhost and a priest... then, much to my dismay, the assassins they sent were FINECAST!? GAH!? Ah, well... I'm getting over it... sort of... or.. maybe I will... Anyway, this one is done. I still have a metal Culexus Assassin and the finecast Callidus Assassin.
Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:
Probably a May Games (and other stuff) update... Maybe some pics of those Marines and Imperial Guard I finished up last week...
Wonderful! I have a metric crap-ton of metal GK's I should finish.
DeleteGet on it!
Great looking Grey knights, the possessed and demons are excellent and the assassin is great!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Thanks, Iain!