Thursday, August 31, 2023

August Games


Saturday, 5 August 2023

Saturday Kurtis invited me over for a day of gaming to celebrate his birthday (which, I think, was actually the day before...?). Also in attendance were Eli, Brent, and Brent's sister Amy. 

When I arrived they had Cyclades set up. I'd never played it before. Gave me a bit of a Scythe vibe... but, like WAY LESS complex and so much faster... It was okay... 

After that we played a game of Compounded. Amanda and I played this at Kurtis' years ago. Liked it and thought it would be a fun one to play with the kids (and learn a little bit about chemistry... maybe...). So we bought it... and we've played it once... 

I should probably dig it out and play it with Amanda a few times and see if it's one we care to keep and, if not, maybe just get rid of it... 

Feeling a lot like it's time to purge some more games. 

Or, maybe I just haven't had enough sleep and my blood-sugar is low... It's hard to tell sometimes... 

Finally we played Charioteer (from GMT games). Like it sounds it was a game of chariot racing at the Circus Maximus! The play structure seemed unnecessarily convoluted while they were trying to explain it... but after a few rounds I think everyone kind of figured it out.  

Thats my pink chariot crossing the finish line in second place! 

This turned out to be pretty fun. I'd play it again. 

Sunday, 13 August 2023

We had our friends, Bruce and Adelle, over for supper and a game. We've barely seen them, let along played any games since the beginning of the pandemic

(Now that I think about it, they did join in for an online FATE game at one point during the pandemic!)

We introduced them to Wingspan! 

This was my 50th game of it (according to my log on BGG). Amanda's played a few less... as I've played it with others, but she's only ever played it with me. 

The next day Amanda and Keiran left for a vacation in Ontario and Michigan with Amanda's family. Finnegan and I stayed home... 

Once Amanda and Keiran got back, Amanda and I were off on a trip of our own! She was travelling to a work conference and I just kind of tagged along. Those was our first trip anywhere together, on our own, in nearly twenty years (sincere having kids!? With the exception of one overnight bicycle trip to a local regional park)!

I'd kind of hoped we might play some games on our vacation, alas... 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun collection of games, enjoy your vacation!
    Best Iain
