Friday, August 18, 2023

My Little Pony

I'm... not even kidding... 

My son Finnegan picked up the My Little Pony Role-Playing Game and I'm hoping I'll be able to convince him to run it for me and a few lucky friends... 

In the meantime, I obviously had to start sketching character concepts... I started off with a generic punk rawk pony... and then it kind of just got silly...

Generic Punk Rawk Pony... I don't have a name yet... maybe something like Annie Archie...? Ideas?

Billy-Joe attempt #1 (too dark)

Billie-Joe attempt #2

Jon Bon Pony

(I'm... I'm so sorry....)

Will I be doing miniatures for this game... probably not... but you never know!? 

(I did see some My Little Pony dolls at Dollarama for $3-4... I mean... that's less than your average role-playing/wargaming miniature, so....) 


  1. Does Jon Bon Pony ride a steel horse?

    I bought the rulebook when my son was little, hoping his interest in the cartoon could be parlayed into gaming. Epic fail, as the kids used to say, but I went and bought the starter set as well and played the solo adventure (which is an odd thing for a game centered on friendship). I really liked how the rules emphasized the core activity of helping friends and working together, by having mechanics and rewards dedicated to doing just that. My enthusiasm for the design wasn't enough though and I never could get anyone else to try it - the mere hint of enjoying MLP led to accusations of "brony" and no one wanted anything to do with it. My friends are largely a joyless lot apparently.

    1. Ha-ha! Jon Bon Pony probably does ride a steel horse!

      Oh! I thought this was under the impression that this was a brand new game? Is it just a new edition or a reissue of an older game?

      I've had pretty lukewarm responses from friends when I told them Finnegan might be willing to run a game for us. One "hard pass", a few "not-so-sure", a couple reluctant "okay, I guess" and two "I'M IN!" We'll see if it actually happens. He's back at school in a couple weeks and already running two other games... so... we'll see...

    2. I have found THREE My Little Pony role-playing games... (on RPG Geek)

      The most recent is Renegade Studios My Little Pony which did just come out.

      Then there is My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria, The Storytelling Game published in 2016.

      Then there is a one that looks like maybe it's self published called My Little Pony: Roleplaying is Magic originally published in 2012!?

      No idea if any of these have anything to do with each other... other than the setting!?

    3. Unfortunately of the two "I'M IN!", one is a friend that lives in town that would play with the in-person group, and the other is part of the group of friends that no longer live in town that I occasionally play games with online...

    4. Cool! Thanks!

      Oh, he's got a really, REALLY GREAT group of people his age (I was going to call them kids, but half are in University now and legally adults, so... that seems inappropriate now! maybe "fabulous young people") that he plays RPGs with (TWO groups, actually) and he'll have no problem convincing them to play at some point. THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT!

      It's me trying to round up some of MY friends to try out a one-shot for giggles that might be more of a challenge.

    5. It is BRAND NEW, and I only knew about it because it was on display, front and center at my FLGS and a book store I happened to be in a week or so ago!

  2. Obviously I have much love for the Tails of Equestria (River Horse) version, as I've run it repeatedly at conventions with players as young as 4 with parental help, and 6 playing all by themselves.. all the way up to 62. The Essence20 Engine is... okay, and but I can see overwrought for the friendship, fun, and excitement the setting material should focus one. I had money in hand to purchase GI Joe, and upon reading some chapter, found it wanting in what I expected that setting to have.

    But rest assured, I believe Finnegan will take the system and turn it into a load of fun.

    1. I just think it's so fantastic that there are MULTIPLE versions of this!?

      I think Finnegan's' pretty good at using what's essential and just discarding the unnecessary. With the start of school rapidly approaching, it might be the winter break before we get to play... Ah well...
