Thursday, February 6, 2025

Harlequins, Tank, and Other Things...

With the new Codex: Aeldari on the way and having recently taken stock of the Aeldari that I have, I've been thinking about then a lot and decided to see if I could find any of the few minis I needed to fill out full-sized units. 

I found a lot of five Harlequins and a single Swooping Hawk that weren't completely unreasonably priced. The five Harlequins, including shipping from the UK, turned out to cost about the same as a box of six brand new Harlequins! The single Swooping Hawk makes a complete unit of ten. The Harlequins will make three complete units of twelve! 

I also picked up a tank for the Japanese - one of the few forces I DON'T have any heavier support for - to potentially use in our current Fourteen Men in the Solomons campaign


On the workbench I've been working on re-basing a lot of WW2 stuff - to slowly bring things up to my current basing standards - in preparation for using them in assorted FiveCore games... 

Among them are a bunch of Italians!? WTF!?

And because I have veered from distracted by to utterly obsessed with, I also picked up a few more pdfs from Nordic Weasel Games... 

Chief among these was the FiveCore Pulp Adventure rules!! I have SO MUCH stuff for playing Pulp Adventure games from a decade or so ago when we were playing a lot of Savage Worlds... 

Obviously I have already rolled up an adventuring party and found miniatures and rolled up a first encounter and enemy and found miniatures for those (all among the collection I already have - though a few need painting!). 

So... stay tuned for THAT in the immediate future. 

I also picked up Warsaw is Burning - which apparently has some extended campaign rules specific to the 1939 Polish campaign. I have no Poles, nor any strong desire to possess any (okay, I DID look up some options online... but there are other things I'm more interested in at the moment, so won't be buying Poles any time soon) but I figured it has rules for Russians and Germans and perhaps could be used for the opening stages of Operation Barbarossa in 1941...? OR maybe just be used for inspiration for the CURRENT Five Paras in Normandy or Fourteen Men in the Solomons campaigns! 

Finally I picked up Sandbox - Infantry Patrols in Occupied Territory - which include advanced rules for a modern day campaign of patrolling in an occupied area for FiveCore. I have a lot of appropriate buildings and modern troops and civilians and insurgents. It looks REALLY INTERESTING.... But there are a LOT of things I'm REALLY INTERESTED in at this exact moment, and I'm not sure I'm going to get to this one right away... On the plus side, it was a PDF for less than $5 and I have not purchased any miniatures for it and have no need to purchase any miniatures for it as I already HAVE the miniatures and terrain and they're all painted and ready to go any time I DO want to try it out!!!


  1. Space elves!

    Oh, I didn't know Ivan had a pulp adventure game. The amount of stuff he puts out is amazing!

    1. Yeah, I'm kind of getting a little excited about playing with them again...? Maybe...?

      The FiveCore thing is getting out of hand... I saw there was a FiveCore Brigade Commander game and I wasted an hour looking at 6mm and pico armour this afternoon!? I need to PLAY THE GAMES I HAVE... with the MODELS THAT I HAVE?!

    2. My hope is to try out the Pulp game this weekend. I will post a game report shortly thereafter!

  2. It's great playing with the models you have but it's also good to dream!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha-ha! Yeah... I actually really like being able to walk over to the wall-o-minis and pull out a drawer and have fully painted miniatures ready to go! I'd forgotten how much of the WW2 collection is fully painted! It's nice returning to a period where I already HAVE stuff done. This is why I'm loathe to ever get rid of stuff I've actually painted... I know I'll come back to it at SOME point!!
