Thursday, February 6, 2025

Suffocating Gravetide

I finished up the first of the Endless Spells in the Malign Sorcery box I picked up a week or so ago... 

I wish I could report that this is because I am starting work in earnest on my Soulblight Gravelords army - as planned for the first quarter of this year... but truthfully, it was mostly for use in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. (Which was also part of the Game Plan, so...) 

Suffocating Gravetide

All of that flagstone around the edges was added by me and not part of the original model... and was a HUGE pain in the ass... I wanted to do it partly because most of my Age of Sigmar models are on flagstone bases... 

But also because one of the main reasons I got this was to use it in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City for the Deliverance Journeys - where the heroes are rushing through the city trying to stay ahead of the Gravetide and warn citizens of its approach! So, I wanted it to look like it was ravaging through a city - with organize flagstone before it, being torn up, tumbled about and left in a mess as the Gravetide passes... 

I DO plan to make use of this (and many of the other Endless Spells from the box... when I get to painting and playing Age of Sigmar again... I've been a little distracted by other things at the moment. 


  1. Looks great, all that flagstone is a good addition to the model, and as you planned, works nicely with your bases.

  2. Excellent work on adding the flagstone! I would never have guessed it wasn't part of the original model, it fits in so seamlessly. And the effect of the pavement getting ripped up as the scary stuff rolls along adds a whole extra dimension. I can almost see the movement. Excellent painting, too, with the contrast between the gray stonework and the brown/tan of the scary stuff.

    1. Thanks! Some of the chunks of stonework in the waver are part of the original model. I added more to the wave and tried to integrate the stuff that was in the model with the flagstones I added around the end. I wasn't sure it was going to work out when I'd done the modelling and had a mix of green and grey modelling stuff plastered all over it.. but once I was done painting I was pretty happy with it!

      I'd meant to take some process shots so people could see what was added... but then forgot...
