Saturday, February 8, 2020

Underhive Scum (and assorted other bits)

An odd assortment of items rolling off the Workbench this week...

As I've been promising - A Blackstone Fortress miniature. One. There will be others... soon. This is Dahyak Grekh, Kroot Mercenary.

These are actually Reaper Bones miniatures... but I thought I'd base them similar to other Blackstone Fortress minis and maybe pass them off as additional Ambull Borewyrm infestations...? Or just random space greeblies.

I did a fourth one on a Necromunda base to be a random under hive greeblie...

Also, I found the missing Frog Creature for Hellboy: The Board Game and finished it all up - so now they are ALL DONE! (Well, all the Core Box stuff... or, at least, the frog Creatures and enough other stuff to play all the scenarios in the core set.

Two more of my Imperial Fist 'veteran' scouts (I wrote about them in a previous posts - here and here - I think I'll need to do a full post just about these characters at some point..). These two are two of the earliest Marine Scouts GW released - and both of these I've had since they were released (though they were previously painted in tan and olive uniforms - I stripped them a few years back and repaired one's broken knife with an Eldar power sword.

Now I have a FULL Scout Squad. (well... sort of... Eldar Shuriken Catapults and Power Swords aren't part of the normal weapons Scouts are generally allowed to take... I guess if ever I put these on a table against someone who was fussy about these things, Id just call them as "counts as" bolter and scout knife, respectively.

All the Imperial Fists, so far... Probably almost enough for a Kill Team! I have a couple others I've started - but they've been shelved until I can get a few more pressing things finished up!

Another Space Marine Scout - this one is for the Tangermarines chapter.

Servo Skull - came in a load of bits, I think it's from a Militarum Tempestus Scions Command Squad (The commander can have one floating over his shoulder... I thought it would be fun to have a couple on their own - in the fluff they can wander about on their own carrying out... whatever their function is?)

It seemed like a good idea a the time. I wasn't sure what else I was going to use this guy for. It's a Reaper Bones miniature that I added a bolt gun to and put on a Sector Imperialis base to be a random Hive Scum...

An assortment of Scavvies and Plague Zombies. I put a rush on to finish these up as I thought they would be handy for Wrath & Glory this weekend - and am thinking I might to a re-run of the Karloth Valois scenario I ran last summer for ToonCon - except now I can use ACTUAL necromunda plague zombies instead of just random other zombies from my modern zombie collection.

Plague Zombies - actually two of them are from old GW Judge Dredd line... a few are carrying clubs - which seemed odd to me...? Where would they have found WOOD in the under hive... I tried to make a couple of them look like bound bundles of pipes and or wires.

Scavvies! I have a few more scavvies to join these... I thought, in addition to the Plague Zombies, karloth may have recruited a few Scavvies to his mob with promises of loot and vengeance against those uphive that would keep them down!

Karloth Valois and his mob of Plague Zombies and Scavvies!

Yeah, that's going to be a fun scenario to play - and it gives ME something to play (Valois and the Zombies!)

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Some more Blackstone Fortress stuff, I PROMISE!!!

(though there might be some more CHAOS stuff, as the date for Battleforce Recon 2020 has been announced and I've decided to field a Chaos Space Marine force - more on that soonish!)


  1. You sure can paint! Your Kroot merc. is wicked.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! It is amazing what Games Workshop can do with plastic these days! All the figures in the Blackstone Fortress stuff are just so dynamic. It's good they come with instructions, because bits I look at and wonder, what the hell is THIS!? and then they just go together so seamlessly and turn into these incredibly dynamic figures!? I mean, they're way more of a pain-in-the-ass to paint that your single-piece cast metal, but damn they look nice when they're done!

    2. When you are working the paint brush, they sure do look nice.

  2. Wow! Lots of great minis and excellent work! I especially like the kroot. I've been tempted to search some out to add as aliens to my sci-fi collection/games.

    1. Thanks!

      The Kroot definitely are interesting. Finnegan picked up a bunch for the T'au army he was starting to put together (but has indefinitely stalled on...). The T'au themselves are pretty interesting - unlike all the other races of the galaxy that seem bent on exterminating each other, they T'au just absurd all (or at least those who are willing!) into their empire. I wish there were official rules for using Imperial Guard in a T'au army - saying they're from a human settled planet that was subsequently absorbed into the T'au empire. Of course there's no law saying you can't when playing with friends and stuff! Or even Orks...? Tyranids seem a bit to bitey to join anyone, though...

      The regular box of Kroot comes with a lot of bits and bobs and options. I got a tonne (well, a few grams anyway) of leftover bits when Finnegan was done assembling his. They're less dynamic that some of the new minis - legs connect to a body that connects to arms and choose a head - but that's okay because it makes it a LOT easier to do all sorts of conversions with them - and I've seen some great conversions incorporating Adeptus Mechanicus bits! Cyborg Kroot!

  3. Great big collection of 40k loveliness but the servo skull and 40k Shaft are blinding!
    Best Iain

  4. Ahh Tim! I see your brushes are on fire once again! What output! I finished (sans dip & matte spray) a single figure yesterday & got about 2/3rd of a 2nd done

    1. Sounds like progress to me! Thanks Terry!

    2. To be clear, these were all completely painted over the weekend - they were more like "finished up" over the weekend. Most were started some time ago!

  5. New to this place and I got a lot to see :)
    Beautifull figures!!
