Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Renegade Legionnaires

Alright… enough with the whining… Here’s some pics of recently finished toys…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are Artizan Designs “Renegade Legionnaires from their “Thrilling Tales” line. I was feeling a little inspired by Jeff’s post about the new Pulp Adventure game he’s playing in and the other WW2 figures I’ve been painting recently. They will be joining the rest of my Legionnaires


  1. The guy in the red faz looks like Benny from "The Mummy" (of course he also loks like one of Oddball's tank crew from "Kelly's Heroes", too).

  2. I was thinking the exact same thing - Benny, from the Mummy that is...

    I haven't seen Kelly's Heroes for a while so I can't picture anyone other than Kelly, Oddball, Big Joe and the German tank commander...
