Gearing up for a major clash!
(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

This is the T-26 (single turret) model from
Army Group North Miniatures (they also have a twin turret version!).

I’m really liking AGNM models. Great detail – supreme casting (no bubbles..) – great service…. I’m going to get a platoon of these sometime… and some T-34s… and some German stuff… and… and…
oh dear…

The paint job on this one didn’t turn out awesome part of the reason for that is there ended up being a LOT of primer on it which dulled some of the great detail. I’ve been using acrylic gesso to prime and I thought I had an old can of spray primer kicking around… but didn’t… I had a bad feeling about using gesso on the resin. It totally didn’t stick – just beaded in blobs in the corners!? I ended up adding liquid hand soap to the gesso (seriously – it’s a surfactant right?) and that worked a bit better, though I had to do a couple coats and it ended up going on rather thick. I think on the next one I’ll try scrubbing the model down with soap FIRST and see if that helps!?
I’m not sure who manufactured the crewman – I got it in an odd lot of various WW2 crew/seated figures off ebay…

I want to be a heavy tank like you when I grow up, mama…

KV-2, T-26, KV1 – all from
Army Group North Miniatures

I also recently picked up three Pzkw 38T – these are die-cast “1:48 scale” models… This one I’ve simply based and added a bit more weathering. The other two have a camo paint job and I’m going to repaint them (at some point). Once those are repainted I’ll probably repaint this one to match them.
As I have three of them that’s good enough for a “platoon” (for me, at least) and I have no need to get anymore – I think they would only look odd next to another Pzkw 38 in another scale.

Here’s what it looks like next to the T-26
Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:
Germans… Russians…
If you’re wondering where all the battle reports are for all these WW2 toys I’ve been cranking out I have a separate blog for Savage Worlds stuff (the rules I use for 28mm WW2 skirmish games and pretty much ALL other skirmish games too):
Savage Timmy’s Playhouse
Click on the “East Front” label to see the latest (or click on
Next weekend I’m going to be having a bigger WW2 game (Russian Company sized counterattack on a hastily prepared German position) on the afternoon of the 29th (May 2010) The report will probably be up at the playhouse later that evening…