Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hoplite Preview

I thought I’d take a quick pic of some of the Hoplites I’m working on before I removed them from their painting stands and stick them on their base. (Because last time a number of the Hoplites shields weren’t really visible after I’d put them on the base!)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are all from Black Tree Design. I did eight of them because my Other Hoplites (made up of Crusader Miniatures) have eight – which I really like the look of. These are considerably more dynamic than the Crusader minis… but I hoped with some creative shield overlapping I might get eight (or at least SEVEN – which is how many Jackson was able to cram onto his stands!).

As it turns out I was able to cram seven on to the 60x40 base. I should finish that up tonight and hopefully you’ll be able to see then on Analogue Hobbies tomorrow, and back here on the weekend sometime!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The FINISHED hoplites… then something else… not sure what.


  1. Nice job on the shields--is that some sort of bug-man on the left?

  2. Fab work! They look marvelous. Dean

  3. On the far left..? That's supposed to be an owl!?

  4. Great painting Tim, you need to slow down a little though, I'd like to keep 2nd place!!

  5. Very nice, Tim. Looking forward to seeing them based-up.

  6. Excellent work, Tim - Ancient Greeks are growing in popularity as I see Victrix are releasing new plastic sets over the summer.

  7. Looking great. Look forward to seeing the based versions.
