Thursday, January 31, 2013


…as in… the tanks…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These are a pair of 1/48 Academy models Challenger 1 tanks. They are meant to give my Modern British some heavy support.

Here ‘s how they look with the Imprint Models Warrior MCVs.

Ready for some combined arms action!! Against whom… um… well, I guess I have to work on that next.

I’ve been updating my Modern Gallery. It’s still a “work in progress”. I have a lot yet to do, but go check it out and see what I’ve been up to…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Since I’m on a roll with the modern British stuff, maybe I should finish up those last two Warrior MCVs…? 


  1. You already painted a foe for the Challengers - zombies. A perfect enemy while waiting for something better to come along.

  2. Very nice! I do like Academy kits, and the Challenger is easily my favourite 'non-WWII' tank too. These look great :)

    1. Thanks!

      The price on these models certainly couldn't be beat, and they were super quick to put together...

  3. I thought you already have an assortment of Soviets and East Germans to pit against the British troopers? Or did I get that recent BTR-Post wrong?

    1. Oh sure, I have a few... I don't think the BTRs aren't going to stand up to Challengers very long though. The Soviets and Germans have very little in the way of anti-armour capability. I also only have one squad of East Germans... maybe two squads of Russians... I have some more stuff on hand to paint, however, so expect that shortly!!

  4. Nice British kit. Nothing quite like a Chally for sheer awesomeness.
    Are the yellow tad markings decals?

    1. Cheers!

      No, I hand painted all the markings.

  5. Wow! These look great - a very impressive force ;)

  6. Wow them models look you wargame with them,if so what rule book do you use

    1. Thanks Mike. I did paint them up with the intention to wargame with them - using Force on Force - but I haven't really had an opportunity to get them on the table just yet. I'll get back to playing with the moderns at some point and then hopefully these bad boys will see some action!
